Basic Support For Cooperative Work

last modified: September 27, 2006

Some say that BSCW ( is Wiki-like. But unlike WikiWikiWeb, BSCW is structured. Very structured with folders like the directory tree on a computer drive. Messages are separate from documents and documents are separate from links. However, each type of object has its own format, which gives more direction to the user.

The BSCW document object enables shared work by uploading and downloading the shared document. The messaging, or articles, are in a tree format like most Web message boards. Another helpful feature is a utility for calling meetings. (JohnDeBruyn, 6/2/98)

The new version is a bit simpler - eliminates the tree format for discussions. However, discussions are a species of folder, existing for the collection of notes on a particular topic. The tree structure could be replicated by organizing discussions into folders and subfolders.

The notes themselves are a bit, just a bit, Wikish. The mailto:userid.domain is converted to a mail hook and http://whatever is converted to a hot link. In addition users can edit each others notes making for some collaborative writing. Since each discussion (group of notes) and each note has a Web address of its own, the hot links within notes could be used for cross references. Certainly not as slick as WikiWikiWeb though. (JohnDeBruyn, 6/26/99)

See also:

