Wiki Writer

last modified: June 11, 2008

A stand-alone, freeware PersonalWiki for Windows. Supports both HTML and a somewhat wiki-like syntax. Like WardsWiki, WikiWriter is modal: pages are edited as plain text with embedded markup, and displayed with the markup evaluated.

From the WikiWriter web site
"WikiWriter is a browser-based editing system using wiki-style markup and interface, a standalone personal wiki serving as a text-base authoring tool. Download freeware version 3.60, and discover a whole new way to write and manage your ideas, projects, manuscripts, ebooks, distance learning and Web-based training courseware.... WikiWriter is released with the modest goal of replacing MS Office (tm) on business and personal desktops around the world. You gotta think big, when you start small."


See Also: WikiLikeThing

CategorySoftwareTool CategoryPersonalWiki
