JSPWiki is a JavaServerPages-based WikiClone and it is available under the Apache Public License. It became an Apache Top-level project on July 17th, 2013, after several years of incubation.
JspWiki supports the following functionality:
- Plain file storage with optional versioning. It is also possible to write your own storage providers (at least a MySQL provider is available).
- User-configurable inlined images
- Attachment support
- InterWiki linking
- Footnotes
- Two-way references (this page referred by)
- Table support
- Optional HTML in pages
- Templates and skins
- UTF-8 support
- RichSiteSummary support, also supports RssAutoDiscovery.
- XML-RPC support using the MetaWikiApi
- Logging using log4j
- JavaLanguage plugin interface
- WebLog functionality
- Comes as a standard WebApp, so installation should be relatively easy.
You may download the newest versions from:
---> http://jspwiki.apache.org/general/downloads.html
A more up-to-date feature list is at:
---> https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=JSPWikiFeatures
Users' comments I managed to get a configuration working under Tomcat 4.0.1 on Windows NT in 10 minutes. This was a very simple configuration without version control and using plain text files but I was very impressed. I managed to install a test version on http://www.mycgiserver.com/~yorks, though this required some modification because of my cgiserver's restrictions (no user libraries, fixed package names etc.)
I've just downloaded and installed this in about 10 minutes using BEA Weblogic running on Solaris. As with the above, I'm only using the default configuration, but I'm really pleased with how easy it was. -- [LeighDodds]
This is really good Wiki, simple and nice. -- beetles
How do you install on http://www.mycgiserver.com? -- paulista777@bol.com.br http://www.oxxus.net We offer wiki Jsp hosting
I also downloaded this, my first wiki software, and had it running in 10 minutes on W2K. I was impressed. I was also happy to find that it used JSP. That allowed me to go in and tinker with it when I had time. Also changed to VersioningFileSystem so that it can keep track of changes. Within one day I had a functioning wiki site for managing a current IT project. -- kenjanuski
http://www.prokmu.com We began our campaign to offer 1 month free for wiki Jsp hosting
I just installed and configured on Solaris 10 and it took little time to setup and works well. I started with the roller/jspwiki demo that the Sun jroller people put out, this led me to jspWiki. Simple elegant and works well. We are going to go live after a few more days testing for our inhouse use. http://rollerweblogger.org/page/roller/20050420#try_roller_1_1_it
Features Review
Date of Review: 2001-12-03
WikiEngine and Version Reviewed: JSPWiki 1.6.0
WikiEngine Author: Janne Jalkanen
Review Summary: A good JSP based Wiki. Easy to modify and install with many features.
Review Quality: Reasonable. I have installed used and written extensions for this Wiki.
Standard Features Missing: None (written before standard list finalized)
Server OS: Any that runs JSP and servlets. Tested on Linux and Windows NT.
Language: JSP and Java
Database: Not required. By default uses RCS or flat files for page storage.
Required Software: Servlet and JSP engine (eg. Apache Tomcat)
Installation Difficulty: Easy. Copy the files into the tomcat directories, edit a config file to give the path of the page directory and optionally log file and it will work!
License: LGPL
Standard Features Missing: None
- Name / cost / limits / URL / backup schedule / comments: None Known, though with slight modification can run on mycgiserver free JSP hosting site. Changes were necessary as mycgiserver does not allow user libraries, runs all JSPs in a single context and has restrictions on package names. It also uses its own logging api. These mods took about 2 hours, email me if you want a copy of the changed code.
Display WardsWiki text? No - the markup is based on SenseisLibrary see http://www.ecyrd.com/JSPWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=TextFormattingRules
Text formatting rules: See http://www.ecyrd.com/JSPWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=TextFormattingRules
Headings? yes, using ! (!! and !!!) as first character of line
Allowable WikiNames: Any - utf8 support means even non-ascii names (e.g. Arabic and Chinese)
Finegrained Linktargets? yes
Subpages? no
Tabs? yes
Max Page Size: no limit known
Tables? yes, using | between fields.
Images? yes (configurable to allow images of different types or from different sites.
Attachments? yes.
Editing Contention Resolution yes - based on modification time. This has a slight side effect in that you cannot use the browser "back" button to go back and re-use an old edit box.
Search capabilities: Apache Lucene off the box, phrases and words in text and title (single search with weighting for words in the title) may still be configured.
Email notification of changes: no
Diffs: yes - uses diff format.
Embedded HTML (a risk): not enabled by default
Password protection? There is a standard way to configure JSP/Servlet engines to do this, so this is not provided separately by the Wiki.
Delete Pages? Yes.
Revision Snapshots? If RCS or versioning file provider is used 'all edits are saved. With flat files there is no revision snapshot.
Rollback: Not within Wiki, the administrator could use the native rcs rollback.
Delete Snapshots? Not within Wiki, the administrator could use the native rcs
Very modular, you can write plug-in page providers. An RCS provider and a flat file provider are available. Pages are stored as the Wiki Markup by these providers. I wrote an experimental J2EE container manages entity bean provider, and a caching provider and extending the code is easy. Janne has written a well structured program and his code is easy to follow.
Pages stored in individual text files? Yes (File system provider)
Pages can be added / deleted from directory and wiki will recognize automatically? Yes (File system provider)
Pages stored in database? Not currently available, (experimental providers only).
Working Well with Others
Static or dynamic web pages: Dynamic.
Indexed by search engines? I don't know of any!
InterWiki Links? Yes, use a link like [Wiki:About] for original Wiki. Administrator must configure list of Wikis.
Import / Export Features: No special features.
Translators to/from other Wikis? None
Extra Features: Unicode support. With a browser that supports UTF-8 could hold text in non-latin alphabets. Ability to edit menus (I have disabled this on my version - it gives too much power to the user!)
References: http://www.jspwiki.org/
Browsers Used: (See WikiEngineReviewBrowsersUsed for abbreviations)
IE5.5, http://www.jspwiki.org/wiki/JSPWikiBrowserCompatibility contains comments on many more browsers
Comments by Users:
I have used jspWiki over the years for the main wiki of various projects. It works very well. I have also made up a product which is a fully functional jspwiki on a memory stick, which will start up on pc and mac. If you would like one of these memory stick project wikis which you just plug-in and go, let me know at noelbbyrne@gmail.com.
Originator / Author, Maintainer, Contributors
- Originator / Author: -- ChrisBrooking