Extreme Programming Popularity Curve

last modified: May 13, 2004

I noticed that XP isn't a hot topic on this Wiki anymore. I had a few spare minutes so I did a little research on the web. Here's some data on the number of web hits using the exact search phrase 'extreme programming'. The first column is the half of the year (first half, then second half). The second column are the usenet articles from that date range. The remaining columns are the web hits for all the web, the gov domain and the edu domain. Of course the web hits are going to be more of a cumulative measure, while the usenet hits are really date-specific. Draw your own conclusions!

date       usenet  web     gov     edu
1-97    9       0       0       0
2-97    8       3       0       0
1-98    29      10      0       1
2-98    93      3       0       0
1-99    125     13      0       1
2-99    739     38      0       9
1-00    2130    139     0       13
2-00    3380    191     0       42
1-01    4950    478     1       52
2-01    6250    790     5       99
1-02    6910    1351    4       135
2-02    4090    2832    5       237
1-03    3280    3769    1       280
2-03    3130    6179    3       339
1-04    2950    53652   18      853

