So What Else Is New

last modified: April 18, 2012

It is becoming very difficult to keep up with what is changing that is significant. Back in the 70s, the rate of change in technology was rapid, but now it is nearly unmanageable. Unless you learn to identify and heed the voices and venues of change.

How does one do this? There is no quick and easy way. One can consider tradeJournals and academicJournals, announcements by majorInnovators and providers, technicalNewsSources, or even Wikis or Blogs!

What about this? The creation of a site, or several sites dedicated to the task of scanning, tracking and scoring sources of news about change? The scoring part is the key. Sources can establish track records for being onSignal (as in signalVsNoise). The newsMedia we have been exposed to has in many cases become biased toward sources and events which produce revenue for them. This is not optimum in the sense of producing the most useful news.

Any thoughts? Do you know of sites which may fit the bill? -- ThinkingOutLoud 20080304


