Turninga Wiki Intoa Structured Cms

last modified: March 21, 2007

(db) There have been, over the years, very few attempts at turning wikis into structured CMSs with regular table of contents and chapters or sections.

Can it be done? Surely but this can be only done with wiki engines that allow for group implementations. As far as I know, only two wikis have the group feature:

A CMS, almost by definition, needs to maintain a clear outline and a rigid organization of its concepts. Therefore, not any wiki engine will do.

Anyone know of wikis that operate like CMSs? Is a wiki engine really fit to run a CMS?

AtlassianConfluence has NameSpaces and page hierarchies. MediaWiki has page categories (it also has namespaces but they have a more administrative role).

WiKi, a powerful mind,if the CmsViaWiki comes,a different era,I think.
