Confession Time

last modified: October 1, 2003

This page exists to ease the conscience of wiki denizens.

Forgive me wiki, for I have sinned.

Today I actually wrote a document called "Functional Requirements Spec.doc". Three months after returning from XpImmersionOne and I'm afraid to say when my PHB asked me to write out our stack of StoryCard(s) as a "Functional Requirements Spec" I didn't tell him what I thought of that idea, I didn't argue the case, I just did it. What am I, a crafite or a phasist ?!


Today at work, extending my quick-and-dirty object-relational mapping layer into a different section of our huge sprawling database, I wrote some of the grossest code I've written in years. The problem is that now I'm dealing with a schema that was designed by a third party and given to us with little-to-no documentation. Maybe there's somebody in the organization who knows what all these tables mean, but I could waste days trying to find em. So instead, I just wrote a Java class called CpnCrt, which holds a few other classes I have a better understanding of.

I have no idea what a CpnCrt is.

-- FrancisHwang

Forgive me wiki, for I have taken many pages from you today... and yesterday. -- WikiGnome
