Name That Design

last modified: March 18, 2002

Category: XpMailingListQuote

Here is a game called Name That Design. The goal is to write the fewest possible test cases that will force you (following Once and Only Once) to make the design you think you need.

For example, I think it only takes two (perhaps three) test cases to um... encourage you to create an object that holds all the SQL separate from the domain objects.


This is an origin of the "triangulation" concept featured in the book TestDrivenDevelopment

There is also the opposite game, which is to test-drive code, but resist creating the "right" solution as long as possible. The code structure must be plausible, but wrong. For example, to compute Fibonacci numbers up to 5, you can use the following Python code

def fibonacci(arg):
    if 1 < arg < 5:
        return arg - 1
    return arg

Plausible, but wrong. (From

