Pierre Trudeau

last modified: March 20, 2005

Pierre Elliot Trudeau 1919-2000

Canadian Prime Minister (1968-1979, 1980-1984) and Statesman.

Official Trudeau Memorial Web Site: http://www.trudeau.gc.ca

It is Mr. Trudeau's legacy, not a beer commercial, that allows me to say

I Am Canadian


Interesting guy. Long after the deeds are forgotten, the personality remains. -- AndyPierce (also Canadian)

Mr. Trudeau was a vigorous nationalist, who did not feel compelled to follow the lead of our neighbours to the south (unlike his successor Mr. Mulroney). For example, he established relationships with Cuba and mainland China while the cold war was still raging. I personally think he would have found the beer commercial very amusing, if somewhat superficial. (IamCanadian too)

I am a Canadian too, but frankly, it's not something I'm proud of anymore, certainly not as I was 35 years ago, and not just because I was only 10 then and I'm a little older and maybe wiser now. Trudeau superficially acted like a vigorous nationalist, but Canada today is much changed from the Canada of 1968. If one were inclined to ConspiracyTheory, one might claim that sweeping changes to government policy during his time as prime minister were designed to weaken Canada, because in my view they have done just that. Examples, to come ...

See also GoodbyeFromRsThomas, who died the same week as Trudeau

Trudeau split canada into two. Canada had two founding nations, France and the country that founded Canada, England.

I feel trudea made canada a worse place.

