Mitch Powell

last modified: July 29, 2008

I'm JustAStudent.

Mitch i'm with you i'm just a student too.

[Added by yet another Mitch Powell, July 29, 2008, after doing a search from (]

No spam here, just letting the world know there are a few of us Mitch Powells. I'm the web designer one who owns There's one who's in the process of filming two horror movies. You can find him at There's one who sells German Shepherds at a place called Echo Meadows. There's one in a boyband named "Boysterous" (could that be the actor in IMDB?)

I wouldn't do this if Mitch Powell was John Smith, but I believe the name is unique enough to warrant some documentation somewhere. I was invited to edit this page, so I stopped off to put in my two cents. Any others out there?

Eventually, everything connects.
Charles Eames
