What is Ema? WikiSquatting?
Many of these are fairly bad guidelines to boot. Such as? Many of them are similar to what we use.
All Objects are exposed as Interface to enforce the "Programming to Interfaces rather than Classes" concept
Test cases should be written to ensure the services provided by objects can be tested with only the minimal required dependency
Development follows the pattern of
Define Interfaces
Create mock implementation wherever required
Write test cases
Package so that it can be used by other developers
Actual implementation of interface
Ensure the environment is set up to share the common settings such as the file/code templates in IDEA
All package names should be in lowercase
In the set methods of the members, ensure the incoming param is named as new<member>
public class UserImpl implements User {
private String userName;
public String setUserName( String newUserName){
userName = newUserName();
- Do not use "this.<member>" code as the "this." not only makes the code dense also some compilers do not support it.
this.userName = userName; --> Bad
userName = newUserName; --> Good
Ensure all classes/members/methods are named clearly
Provide adequate documentation
Use formatCode/optimizeImports in IDEA to cleanup code
Refactoring is different from adding new feature, changing/enhancing existing functionality.
It provides an opportunity to review your code for better usage.
Use ToDo tag to identify tasks you need to work on
Organize the packages such that it is more meaningful and also can be grouped and converted into jars with less effort
Wrap the conditional statements always
if ( var1 = value1) {
//do something
if ( var1 = value1)
//do something
- Class/Interface Names always starts with Uppercase and words separated by camelCase
Good >>
public class TestClassForClassNaming {
Bad >>
public class Testclassforclassnaming {
public class testClassForClassNaming {
- Method Names always starts with lowerCase and words separated by camelCase
Good >>
public void testMethodForMethodNaming {
Bad >>
public class TestMethodForMethodNaming {
public class testmethodformethodnaming {
- Constant Names are always in UpperCase and words separated by '_'
Good >>
public final String TEST_CONSTANT = "TEST";
Bad >>
public final String testconstant = "TEST";
public final String Testconstant = "TEST";
public final String TestConstant = "TEST";
- Member Names always start with lowerCase and words separated by camelCase
Good >>
private String testMember;
Bad >>
private String TestMember;
private String Testmember;
private String testmember;
When using Singleton get the instance always from an Instance provider such as the com.ema.core.utils.ClassInstance and/or using a Proxy Bean factory
Use Parentheses to clearly depict the expressions
Try to avoid multiple return points