Test Sensitive Undo

last modified: April 1, 2005

TestDrivenDevelopment produces ProgrammerTests. A failure in a UnitTest implicates one unit, and a failure in a ProgrammerTest implicates the most recent edit.

If you decline to diagnose or debug this failure (wise), you might hit Undo to take out all your code changes since the last GreenBar.

However, I have heard a legend. I have heard of fabled editors that are test-sensitive. They know that you are writing tests, instead of abusing the debugger and ClassWizard. So they know how to provide a special, magic UndoMechanism. It Un-does all edits since the last GreenBar.

But swoon I would were such myths and legends to come to reality (especially for backwaters like VisualStudio...).

I've submitted an enhancement request for EclipseIde to support automatic CVS commit and tag whenever unit tests run successfully. Alas, it was deferred to post 3.1 (https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=50341)

