Olaf Geibig

last modified: January 27, 2011

Email: olaf at pobox dot com

I'm a software developer located in Berlin, Germany. I was born 1967. I'm married to Joanna Geibig.

Please see my site at http://www.tutaona.com - I don't update this page regularly since 2008.

See my profiles at:

My love for computing began back in the 80ies when I was a kid of 14 years. I found out about a lonely apple II computer at school. My first computer was a Sinclair ZX81, followed by an Atari 800 and a C-64 (assembler and basic). In 1987 I got into more serious programming with the Atari ST (Modula 2 and C). I bought my first PC in 1994 on which I made my first steps with Linux (kernel 1.0). I started with OO and Java in 1996. I've worked as an employee for several companies in Germany and as a freelancer, usually as java developer.

I'm a huge fan of testing and continous integration. Recently I became very interested in the new languages which could replace or at least complement java: scala, clojure, groovy, erlang. It's a fact that future apps have to be highly concurrent and I want to be prepared.

Degree: Diplom Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH), a german degree which is something between a bachelor's and a master's degree

My computing interests:

My preferred working environment/style is:

Some projects I was working on:

I'm working very much with the Spring Framework SpringFramework including WebFlow, Spring Security and WebMVC - I'm just in love with the lightweight POJO approach and I'm an evangelist of spring since its early days. Recently I got very interested in the scripting hype and made my first steps with ruby and RoR. I also worked with groovy and grails. Here my list of buzz words:

Java, JEE, Java SE, Android, Spring, Spring framework, Linux, Open Source, Eclipse, SVN, Git, CVS, Hibernate, iBatis, Spring Webflow, Spring Web MVC, MySQL, Postgress, Oracle, Java 6, JUnit, Mock Objects, Test Driven Development, TDD, Agile, XP, Scrum, Servlets, Struts, JBoss, Tomcat, Ant, Maven, UML, OOD, Architecture, Design Patterns, OSGi, Groovy, Grails, Mobile, Augmented Reality, cloud, ec2, aws, GAE, Projektleitung, Project Management, technischer Projektleiter

Might I suggest that you re-read your edits to see if the formatting works, and that you learn the formatting rules. -- GrumpyOldMan
