Microsoft Goes To Xp

last modified: July 7, 2005

...but it's not the XP you know. See:,4586,2681578,00.html

Yes - WindowsXp sends a real shiver down the spine. Can't help but wonder if they're cashing in on the good name XP has.

You should be very aware that PCLeak is notorious for publishing trashy rumors about anyone and they are *rarely ever right*.

XP doesn't have a name. Ask someone on the street what ExtremeProgramming is. Then ask them what Microsoft is. Or Microsoft Windows. Or maybe I'm missing your point? (joke?)

No, not a joke. My point is if PCLeak published it the rumor is almost cerianly false. Its like the National Enquirer of software.

MicroSoft has a history of code names for products. They always change the name right before release (from code name to "marketing" name). So, even if the "XP name" rumor was true, it wouldn't really mean anything.

That's true too.

MicroSoft has been using the "eXtreme" name for some years -- for their free consumer-oriented seminars broadcast to theatres. (Read: Captive audience sales presentations to consumers.)

They have nothing to do with programming, or how the products are developed.

Last event was in November of 2000. (As of Feb. 2001.)
