The page HowToAchieveWorldPeace implies that humans in peace time overpopulate, and population pressures lead to warfare.
Warfare's evil-utionary heritage dates back to the behaviors of primate tribes who claim a territory and patrol it. They thump on any primates they find from other tribes, eating their food.
The Yanomame tribe in Brazil once studied a professor named NapoleonChagnon. They asked if he had ever fought another tribe, and he told them he fought "Germaniteri", in their language. They asked, "Did they kidnap your women? Did they burn your huts?" He explained they didn't. They said, "Ah, they must have been harvesting in your gardens."
WhatYouResistPersists. Humanity will WagePeace, short-term, not by escaping from our planet. That just restricts the resources we fought over.
WorldPeace comes from coupling the belief that resources are as unlimited as human creativity with the belief that creativity needs no resources. We are one tribe.
But see SchoolsForCivilization ;-)