Here are some interesting groups....
- GangOfFour wrote the DesignPatterns book
- GangstaGeeks ...maybe not interesting, but infamous, at least...
- MinoritiesOnWiki
- PartyOfFive
- PatternInstructors who've run formal classes
- PatternsMiners digging for gold in legacy code
- PeopleInterestedInFormalPatterns
- RegularContributors to these pattern pages
These people are working at academic institutions:
- AamodSane
- AllenBurnett
- AndrewBlack
- BrianFoote
- BruceAnderson
- BruceHolloway
- ChrisGarrod
- ChrisTessone
- DaveVoorhis
- DougLea
- DougSchmidt
- FilizGungordu
- FrankMaurer
- GeraldoXexeo
- GerTielemans
- GrigoriMelnik
- HerbDerby
- JamesNoble
- JaneTurner
- JeanJordaan
- JoeBergin
- JohnFletcher
- JosephKiniry
- JuanmaeMePe
- KenBauer
- MichaelLauer
- MollySteenson
- NishshankaJayawantha
- PatNotz
- PerditaStevens
- RalphJohnson
- StefanoScotti
- ThomasKuehne
- TomMunnecke
- KouichirouEto
These are industrial R&D people.
- BillZimmerly
- ChristopheVermeulen
- DaveSmith
- DavidChess
- DavidLong
- DirkRiehle
- ErichGamma
- FrankAdrian
- GarethMcCaughan
- GarryHamilton
- BobHanmer
- GaryGoldberg
- JanNorden
- JimCoplien
- JohnVlissides
- JuliaCai
- LantzRowland
- LayneThomas
- LeonardoHerrera
- ManfredLange
- MattSimpson
- MikeSmith
- PeterThoeny
- PhilipCraigPlumlee - next option: computer science.
- RichardDevelyn
- RineLeComte
- RonCrocker
- RussRamirez
- ShaiBenYehuda
- SkipMcCormick
- SteveBerczuk
- Thomas Brown
- ThomasWeidenfeller
- TimKing
- AnthonyPeterson
- BeauWilkinson
- SergejPauls
These are industrial R&D people doing software process engineering.
These are industrial R&D people interested in patterns for systems engineering & architecting.
- RobCloutier
- RestauratorGens
- SergejPauls
These are Commercial Software and/or Commercial R&D people.
- AlexandreLemieux
- AndreasSchweikardt
- AndyDent
- AndyWally
- BjornBorud
- CameronSmith
- CarlisiaCampos
- ChristopherPickslay
- DanMuller
- DanMurphy
- DanPlubell
- DavidBennett
- DavidEscala
- DezMoleski
- DonaldNoyes
- EdmonBegoli
- GiorgosKeramidas
- GunnarZarncke
- HelmutLeitner
- HowardLeeHarkness
- JaimmeYork
- JamesMcGovern
- JamieNettles
- JeanMarcHeneman
- JeffChapman
- JeremyPullen
- JoCaGo
- JohnTable a.k.a Jose Mesa
- JohnUrberg
- JohnWebber
- JonathanArkell
- JoshuaRobinson
- KatieLucas
- KeithHodges
- MartinSpamer
- Nat Ersoz
- NoahCoad
- PaulRautenbach
- PaulTevis
- PeterMerel
- RobertDiFalco
- RogerDubbs
- SamuelFalvo
- Sam Gentile
- ScottYelich
- SvenNeumann
These folks are just trying to find better ways to help their customers:
- AlanWostenberg
- AlejandroOsorio
- BruceWayneDavis
- CharlesAdams
- DanMalks
- DierkKoenig
- DuncanHarris
- GeorgeReilly
- HansGerwitz
- JohnObie
- LaurenWalter
- KeithBraithwaite
- RobertChurch
- StephenPetschulat
- ThomasErickson
- TimChambers (former software engineer turned program manager)
- TracyCamp
- MarcosEliziarioSantos
- OlivierRey
These are Computer Science students:
- AchalPodar
- AlejandroGoyen
- ArielErlijman
- BlakeMason
- BridyGodwin
- ChristianOhman
- ChuckSmith
- ClaesWallin
- CortlandHaws
- CraigAnslow
- DanielChurch
- DanielSvennberg
- DavidSaff
- DavidSchmitt
- DulipHerath
- FrankRobinson
- FrankScholten
- GuillermoAlcantara
- JustinChase
- KeithCoogan
- KenCarpenter
- LorenMcIntyre
- MariaKolia
- MontanaRowe
- MunawarHafiz
- NilsKassube
- RobertKausch
- TakuyaMurata
- TaralDragon
- TorneWuff
- VirajWlegama
- AmitrajitChatterjee
- MarkLaBarbara
Consultants include:
- AlejandroOsorio
- AndyCzerwonka
- AshleyRaiteri
- BarbaraYates
- BillBrown
- BillTozier
- BobbyWoolf
- BrandonGoldfedder
- BrianLong
- BryanHousel
- CarstenKlapp
- ChadThompson
- ChanningWalton
- ChrisDunworth
- DavidCymbala
- DavidDeLis
- DavidHooker
- DavidPeterson
- DavidWoolley
- DenhamGrey
- DonaldNoyes
- DonYacktman
- FernandoBucci
- FrankCarver
- FrankLusardi
- GarnetChaney
- GerardMeszaros
- GlennVanderburg
- GrantSteinfeld
- GregVaughn
- HaskoHeinecke
- HowardLeeHarkness
- IvanKanis
- JamesCollins
- JanSteinman
- JasonNocks
- jcvauthier
- JeffGrigg
- JeffMcKenna
- JeffPanici
- JerryArchibald
- JimSawyer
- JimWeirich
- JosephPelrine
- JosephYoder
- JoshuaKerievsky
- KenAuer
- KentBeck
- KevinLewis
- KyleBrown
- KyleCordes
- LanceWalton
- LarryPrice
- MarcThibault
- MarkSchumann
- MartineDevos
- MartinRoell
- MartySchrader
- MichaelBeedle
- MichaelWax
- OveRubenOlsen
- PeterMurchland
- PeterPavlovich
- PeterWilliamLount
- PhlIp
- RamkumarRamaswamy
- RichardDrake
- RichardHelm
- RikSmoody
- RildoPragana
- RodneyRyan
- SebastianRaulWain
- SimonMichael
- StephenCheng
- SteveCline
- StevenBlack
- StevenMooij
- TomCargill
- TomCrossland
- TomStambaugh
- VictorDominguez
- WardCunningham
- WayneConrad
Computer journalists:
People who build websites:
- AlejandroOsorio
- EarleMartin
- EricHaberstroh
- HowardLeeHarkness
- JunVerzola
- MagnusCarlsson
- ManuelLanctot
- NicolaMarcacciRossi (tries to)
- SvenNeumann
- AlexVidanov
- JeffreyRea
- CassieMaas
- NathalieFortin
- ZorouFatal
- SamDisanto
People who randomly changed this Wiki
- DannyVanBruggen
- JamesMcGovern
- Caroline Tomas
- ZenonaOrtega
People who are IT Auditors
- GeorgeBTselentis, CISM
Other collaborative people:
- AndreaMarchitelli
- AndrewCates
- AnupVora
- FridemarPache
- GregStagg
- HansWobbe
- JohnAbbe
- KenBurcham
- MarkDilley
- TedErnst
- RommelPascual
- Rachael Parsons
- PeterKaminski
Examples of OrdinaryPeople that are QuietAchievers:
- JohannesGijsbers for DeletionConventions
- AndrewNewman
There are many other ways one can discover the visitors to these pages:
To see lists of many people who have contributed to this site and have become identified:
- CategoryHomePage
- Try also particular people categories: