GotoStillConsideredHarmful is a FishBowlSession I organize at ObjectTechnologyTwoThousand. One of my reasons to organize this is the recent decision to rename the conference OT (no more objects in the title).
If you did not make up your mind yet to go to ChiliPlop, here is another reason: FocusGroupOrganizationPatternsChiliPlopTwoThousand
EuroPlopTwoThousand call for contributions at
Ralph and I are working on the 4th edition of the System Envisioning workshop -- special theme Schemata and cognitive systems.
I am co-organizing a workshop on SystemEnvisioning with RalphHodgson at Oopsla this year. WardCunningham helped us to set up WikiWikiClones for it. Visit the SystemEnvisioningWiki at In the afternoon -- at this workshop -- we invite people interested in patterns and wiki-visitors to participate in an experimental ConceptCafe where we use lateral thinking and metaphors to MindMap and surface assumptions on patterns, reflect on patterns in different paradigms... Please contact me if you want to participate in either the full workshop or the ConceptCafe.
The wiki clone does not respond anymore (quite long ago, I assume). Is there a way to get the materials of the SystemEnvisioning wiki/workshop? -- OmCandea
Proud to announce the start of a BelgianPatternsGroup in Brussels. EuroPlopInfo and ImpressionsOfEuroPlop are hosted at the argo-website.
I am working as Director of the IS-departement of Argo, Network of 721 schools of the Flemish Government.
We developed a framework for modelling the business logic for a wide variety of organizations and application domains (demo presented ECOOP 97, Oopsla96 and 97). Documentation is available at
I am interested in design patterns, but my special interest goes to OrgPatterns - in a wider context than IS-departments. I am working and experimenting with creativity techniques, workshops and games in combination with a house-built flexible software-system, our Framework for Adaptive Design.
I consider it my primary task to help users at Argo imagine a future organization (and IT-system) supporting them in their task 'to make a difference' for their customers.
I have always worked in FaceToFaceProjects, where the user has a face and personal preferences, hopes and fears. I consider the human aspects in this kind of projects more difficult than technological problems. Misunderstanding and fear of change and the unknown can make or break a project. Many of the problems to be solved are WickedProblems and many of our projects are SensitiveProjects.
Many of these SensitiveProjects are similar to projects in other disciplines. Often core of the problem may be a limited perspective, misunderstanding, emotions, micromanagement, lack of delegation and trust. I am writing patterns ManagingWickedProjects, and I can use help in collecting examples of wicked problems, post mortems, ...
I chaired a panel on the more human aspects of our profession -- both among teams and in interaction with users -- at Ecoop98 this year.
If you are looking for information on Flemish schools our homepage is worth a visit at Shortly we'll use a ArgoWikiWiki as a discussion-forum. It written using VisualWave.
MyersBriggs INTP
KirtonAdaptorsInnovators 141 (51,32,58)
Moved from EuroPlop
1998: It was my first Plop, but it will not be the last. I was "briefed" that I would not enjoy since I had not written patterns. Well I did enjoy and I learned a lot, and not only about patterns. It's a way of working together, of sharing. I attended the MoreInterestingPatternsGroup but was told that the other groups were at least as interesting. I enjoyed the way of interacting, the company, the open discussion and last but not least the games (see NewGamesFoundationBooks) lead by Master GeorgePlatts. Enjoyed the update by JimCoplien on the NatureOfOrder.
It was fun to learn, at the start of EuroPlop, how a workshop is run by reading JimCoplien's A Pattern Language for Writers Workshops (see WritersWorkshopPatternLanguageOverview) Back home I found a lot of help practicing project risk reduction patterns from the RiskManagementCatalog by AlistairCockburn.
And I studied APatternLanguageForPatternWriting by GerardMezaros. Matter of being prepared in time.
The setting is great, so was the organization (by FrankBuschmann and DirkRiehle), the food, the beer and the company. And I know some enjoyed Gang of Four TrivialPursuit and are training for next year (or Plop).
-- MartineDevos
This is your reminder to elaborate the InputOutputManagement pattern (as you requested in PolarizingQuestion).