Kirton Adaptors Innovators

last modified: November 9, 2014

The Kirton KAI measures preferred style (but not the level or capacity) of creative problem solving. Both adaptors and innovators can generate original ideas and solutions. They'll do it in different ways.

Adaptors will generate ideas for doing things better, while innovators will seek to do things differently.

Innovators have more problems working in a structured environment, adaptors are essential for continuity in functions, but have more trouble with change...

KAI scores range between 32 and 160 (practical 42 and 146). They measure sufficiency of originality (practical 17 - 63 high score high originality), efficiency (practical 7 - 33 high score low efficiency) and rule conformity (practical 14 - 56 high score low conformity)

Groups need both adaptors and innovators to be effective.

Not always. It depends on the task. Collections of innovators often have trouble getting on, too

But a difference of only 5 between groups can be noticed, differences of more than 10 or 20 leading to communication difficulties.

I scored rather extreme (141 - 51,32,58) and even in the group (a training for facilitators) the difference could be felt (average 118 - 48,23,47).

"Innovators act before they think, if they think at all. Adaptors think before they act, if they act at all"

Does anyone here know this score? Has anyone taken it? I am looking for suggestions for dealing with large differences within a group?


The Open University course Creative Management uses this, and all students on the course are rated. The main way of dealing with it is to be aware that people are different in this respect, and that these differences are not signs of (generally) better or worse approaches. Make sure people at both ends apprecieate the advantages and disadvantages of both innovators and adaptors. Other ways are to have "bridging" types if you've got some people at about 80 and more at about 120, then some at about 100 might be able to get on better with both sides

There are correlations between KAI and MBTI factors, too -- PaulHudson (KAI 121, ENTP, OU MBA)

Any pointers where to find out more about KAI?

Searching for "KAI and kirton" on turns up a pile of references. Kirton has published some stuff. The iventory is licensed, so costs money to take. Kirton is by reputation somewhat litigatious over perceived threats to his IPR...


I've received a training on this. This was given by the CreativityCenterEurope along with some days on CreativeProblemSolving.

The KAI score is quite realistic and it helped me figuring out why some things weren't working as expected in my team. For info, I scored 99 but with scores not as balanced as I see here. I'll try to find the paper back and post some more information.

