We may all be instructors in our own ways but these people have made the effort to organize material and stand in front of an audience to explain patterns one way or another. We thank them all.
Instructors of DesignPatterns ...
- JohnVlissides
- RalphJohnson
- RichardHelm
- ErichGamma
- BrandonGoldfedder (The DalmatianGroup)
- PetterGraff
- BrianFoote
- JoshuaKerievsky
- JamesCollins
- ...
Instructors of other specific patterns ...
- KentBeck -- SmalltalkBestPracticePatterns
- KyleBrown and BruceWhitenack -- CrossingChasms patterns
- KyleBrown and BobbyWoolf -- SmalltalkGraphicsFramework
- AlistairCockburn -- ProjectManagementPatterns
- MartinFowler -- AnalysisPatterns (and other patterns too)
- RalphJohnson -- SmalltalkBestPracticePatterns and AnalysisPatterns, even some of JimCoplien's ProjectManagementPatterns.
DesignPatterns in Smalltalk
Instructors of PatternAuthoring ...
Speakers who have devoted whole talks to patterns ...
- GradyBooch
- WardCunningham
- RichardHelm
- PaulChisholm (AT&T internal talk)
- DaveSmith
- KentBeck
- StevenBlack
- GerardMeszaros (Nortel (formerly BNR) internal talk)
- AlistairCockburn (ProjectManagementPatterns)
- JoshuaKerievsky (Write Once, Run Anywhere patterns)
- RalphJohnson
- JamesCollins
University instructors who use patterns to teach ...
- OwenAstrachan
- DougSchmidt
- EugeneWallingford
- RalphJohnson
- various folks at Brown University
I know there are a lot more instructors than these. Please help me fill out these lists. Bios and phone numbers would be good too though pure marketing material should be left on other servers. -- WardCunningham
I added a section on university instructors. Please help us fill out this list, too! -- EugeneWallingford