Kyle Brown

last modified: February 8, 2007

I'm a Distinguished Engineer at IBM Corporation. Somehow I was conned into being the Program Chair of PlopTwoThousandTwo.

I'm currently interested in JavaPatterns and especially JavaIdioms since the definitive set of these has yet to be written. Since I have an intense interest in distributed Object systems I'm also interested in MessagingPatterns, DynamicMessaging, DistributionIdioms and ComponentDesignPatterns, a project in which I'm working with PhilipEskelin and NatPryce. The first fruit of this collaboration is

Also, I've started to think about the FutureOfJava, the FutureOfSmalltalk and the FutureOfObjects. I'm an author (with BobbyWoolf and ShermanAlpert) of the DesignPatternsSmalltalkCompanion. I'm also a co-author of EnterpriseJavaProgrammingWithIbmWebSphere, which is only tangentially patterns-related.

For years before coming to IBM, I was a Senior Member of Technical Staff at KnowledgeSystemsCorporation (KSC). I can be reached by email through I've been interested in Patterns since I was introduced to them by KenAuer back in 1993.

Way back in 1995 BobbyWoolf and I presented a Smalltalk graphics tutorial at SmalltalkSolutions that drew heavily from the GangOfFour patterns, as well as some of my own patterns to explain the SmalltalkGraphicsFramework.

I've also published a patterns experience report on using design patterns in OrderManagementSystems in the January '95 issue of Object Magazine. Most of the articles that I've written for the Smalltalk Report have a patterns slant, as do the articles on Java that I've published in Eye on Objects, Distributed Computing, VisualAgeMagazine and the JavaReport.

BruceWhitenack and I have been working on a set of patterns to describe how to connect relational databases to object-oriented systems we call CrossingChasms. We presented the first set of results at Plop'95. We later presented a tutorial on the latest version at OOPSLA '97 and SmalltalkSolutions '98.

I have also written a paper in collaboration with RobertHirschfeld and AmundAarsten (still sadly unpublished) on PatternsOfClientServerArchitectures.

I enjoy tinkering around with AntiPatterns. Finally I wrote my Master's thesis on Reverse Engineering Smalltalk code. It features a search engine that will scan your design for uses of several specific GOF patterns like Composite, Decorator, Template Method and Chain Of Responsibility and document them along with more traditional diagrams and specs. If you're interested, see the entire thing at

I also have a real home page at

Some believe he is a RedneckSmalltalker. He has recently been obsessed with the question of WhatsaControllerAnyway...

Some Pages that I have started that I am proud of:

JavaIdioms UseExceptionsInsteadOfErrorValues ConvertExceptions FourLayerArchitecture FacadesAsDistributedComponents (or FacadeAtTheDistributionBoundary, sometimes expressed as SessionBeanWrapsEntityBeans) DataTransferObject EncapsulateObtainingReferences LimitParametersForEjbCreates EjbTwoEntityCommands SometimesWeHaveToBuildaFallingWater LivingInaMonument MyPage

Some of my friends pages that I've rescued from the WikiGnomes include JosephYoder (who has written a number of papers published in the various PLoPD books) and JeffMcKenna.

