Dave Smith

last modified: November 11, 2013


(Original position: largely unchanged since 1996.)

SystemsThinking and PatternLanguages go hand in hand. I use patterns to construct systems, and systems to explore and discover patterns. My particular interest tends towards the effects of unbalanced forces (e.g., "how in the heck did that happen?"). Having marched through the valley of death several times, I'm motivated to use systems and patterns to help myself and others avoid future project pain.

To describe patterns used to restabilize unstable systems, I coined the term CorrectiveAction patterns. Poorly applied, as they often are, CorrectiveAction patterns can be AntiPatterns. Better to apply PreventativeAction.

Other contributions: PrematureGeneralization | CodeStewardship | DryRunBackup | ScriptTheDemo | LieToYourManager | KnowYourCustomer | TechnicalDebt | EntropyReduction | StayingCurrent | ComingUpToSpeed | VisitorFromMars | TrainYourReplacement | MakeReviewsFun | WhatsThePayoff | ConwaysLaw | PrepareTheWay | WestmorelandEffect | ComplexityOfEverydayLife | RomanEvaluation | StBenedictsRule | StickyFingers | UnstableBackups | DavesLawOfProximateAcronyms

Some programming stuff: ZeroAndOneBasedIndexes | PerlSingleton

And some book reviews: TheMostBeautifulHouseInTheWorld | ShortHistoryOfAnIdea | HowBuildingsLearn | TheArtOfJuggling | QualitySoftwareManagement | EffectivePerlProgramming

