Dez Moleski

last modified: February 2, 2009

My full name is Desmond Moleski, and I learned of WikiWikiWeb at the April 2002 meeting of the PortlandLinuxUnixGroup, at which WardCunningham gave a talk, and invited us to make a personal page.

Am I DoingItRight?

One of the things about Ward's history that resonates with me is his hiatus from Unix. I also started my career as a Unix programmer, slipped off to the Macintosh for a couple of happy years, and am returning eagerly via Linux after a long break where I mostly worked with MicrosoftWindows of pretty much every flavor.

I love the idea of AccidentalLinking.

On April 8, 2002, I set up my first WikiWikiClone, a UseMod Wiki at work to experiment with a Wiki as a place for some FAQ development, maybe also to annotate the miscellaneous files that have collected on our small company's servers.

I chose UseMod because it hews to the original simplicity of Ward's Wiki, while adding some extensions (like not needing tab characters to mark up text). Also I was attracted to the one-Perl-file implementation, and have hope of being able to extend it easily if I need to.

I looked briefly at TWiki, it looks great and super flexible but I wanted to get a Wiki up absolutely as quickly as possible.

If anyone happens on these comments and would like to offer any advice or comments about setting up a Wiki for intranet use at work, especially in a pretty heavily Windows-oriented environment, please e-mail me or leave your comments here:

Thanks! -- Dez

Companies, projects, languages:

Wiki Places:

Notes to self:

Reading list:

A quick hello from Desmond's brother, Martin.

Desmond introduced me to wikis years ago, but I didn't understand the beauty and power of the wiki until only this year (2006). Dez made some remarks on his frustration with his work wiki in 2004:

I'm back again to say THANKS to Ward and all of the folks who have made wikis such a great tool. I've worked on one for the Big-8 Management Board (Dokuwiki) and now and developing a MediaWiki installation for Ameliapedia. Dez didn't know what an avalanche he was setting off when he showed me this wiki!


January 27, 2009

