All men are forced to act helplessly
according to the impulses
born of the modes of material nature;
therefore no one can refrain
from doing something,
not even for a moment.
Bhagavad Gita, 3-5
About me
- More than 15 years in IT in all positions (from developer to CIO), mostly in France with some projects in Taiwan, Australia, US, England and Germany.
- IT is a passion of mine: programming languages, patterns, architecture and abstract thinking about ways to avoid errors, if can be. Must be a geek.
- Psychology is also a great asset to try to figure out what's going on in an IT project or in the unconscious mind of a corporate.
- I learnt Lisp quite recently. Still fighting with macros (with On Lisp famous book).
- I know quite well the usual issues of the high end distributed transactional systems and the middleware issues attached to them.
- (provocative aphorisms)
- I am sometimes a WikiGnome and I like to order things in a CategoryCategory. Cf. WikiMaintenance. Yeah, well depends if I get caught or not by the awful SharkBot.
- MyMyersBriggsTypeIs ENTP.
- Do you HaveThisPattern?
- I used to use the identification cookie but this cookie was used by other people (for fun?). From now on, I will use the standard Internet path:
- At home:
Recent and search
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- Useful: StartingPoints | TextFormattingRules | MoreAboutMechanics | CategoryCategory | SisterSites | RoadMaps | CategoryWikiMaintenance
- Projects: PeopleProjectsAndPatterns
- Templates: AntiPatternTemplate | DesignPatternTemplate | PatternTemplate
- Patterns: PatternIndex | SoftwareDesignPatternsIndex | CategoryPattern | AntiPatternsCatalog | ListOfAntiPatternsToDocument | LittleRulesAndPatterns | WikiPagesAboutWhatArePatterns
- Content: ReallyValuablePages | ProgrammingParadigm | SoftwareDevelopment | ExtremeProgramming | ExtremeProgrammingCorePractices | PolarizingQuestion | ManagementRoadMap | CategoryCommunication | WhatIsAnalysis | MockObject | CategoryRequirements | ChangeYourOrganizationTactics | DatabaseBestPractices
- Books: StructureAndInterpretationOfComputerPrograms | TransactionProcessingConceptsAndTechniques
Pages created or significantly modified
- Pages: TheProcessIsTheDeliverable | FungibleProjectManager | ConfusionOfObjectives | RequirementsAsArchitecture | InappropriateTechnicalObjective | NotTheAppropriateProtocol | SellingaProductYouCantRealize | TransactionProcessingMonitor | TransactionDesign
Pages to create? (search before to ensure they don't already exist)
- ArchitectureAntiPattern: ArchitectureNothing | ArchitectureMadeBySales | NoNeedForAdministrationFunctions | NotTheAppropriateTechnology | UseDesignPatternsForArchitecture | SoftwareAsOrganizationalChart: there was a theory behind but I didn't find back the references. Someone to help?
- DevelopmentAntiPattern: MadDevelopers
- ManagementAntiPattern: TechnicalIssuesDontExist | PleaseYourManager | TheCustomerIsSoMean | DayToDayProjectManagement (or PlayItByEarProject or FlightViewProject) | ControllingWithoutControl | ManagerBlamesHisStaff | ProcessRigoristBoss | IvoryTowerManagement
- DefinitionPage: ItLegend as a category ?
- ManagementPattern: ExplainSoftwareToTheCustomer | GetAnArchitectOnBoard | SeveralVisionsOfTheSameSoftware
- OrganizationAntiPattern: SecretCracy and MysteroCracy: definition done on the CryptoCracy page but the concept are very interesting developing | IgnoredHierarchy which is quite common too or the DoWhatYouWant syndrome
- ContractualAntiPattern: PrisonForCustomer linked to JobKeeper (need to extend this page) | BlockTheProjectForContractualDetails
To do
- DualProjectManagement: write the page with the appropriate template
- FungibleProjectManager: write the page with the appropriate template
- ConfusionOfObjectives: review
- RequirementsAsArchitecture: review
- SmokeAndMirrors to move in the development AntiPattern section
- Remove CategoryDraft (one page probably still have it)
- EmpireBuilding: review and structure
- HalfDoneIsEnough: review
- IfItIsWorkingDontChange: review it to comment on the management defending that option.
- PerformanceManagement: see what we can do about it.
- CopyAndPasteProgramming: add the fact that some software companies are selling code to be manipulated almost only by cut and paste.
- JobKeeper: to develop
- AmbiguousViewpoint: page to restructure, bridge between DevelopmentAntiPattern and ManagementAntiPattern
- NotInventedHere: separate the discussion and comment with personal samples of this logic that can be extreme some time.
- ContinuousObsolescence: illustrate with a sample from the maritime industry
- FireDrill is a ManagementAntiPattern: reshuffle the page. Categories OK.
- InappropriateTechnicalObjective: review and detail with the appropriate template.
- DontReinventTheWheel is not existing and could be a BestPractice while ReinventTheWheel exists and is not really an AntiPattern.
- NeverListeningManager: to be done but is it really an AntiPattern?
- Complete page FourteenPoints with the list of points and a possible interpretation on the IT project context (XP or not).
Comments and ideas
1. AntiPatterns are related to corporate culture. The fact that their use is often considered as the right thing to do whereas it obviously fails is an indication of the management type of the company. Very often, the AntiPattern use is unconscious, as is the fact that it doesn't work. Some people have the feeling that this is how the work should be performed => Psychological aspect of AntiPattern to work on?
2. There is a crucial need for an IT training directed to CEOs. The objective would be for them to have correct MentalPatterns to be able to judge the basics of some IT issues:
- Will I develop internally or buy an off-the-shelf solution?
- What are the main IT functions? How does it work?
- What is architecture?
I will work on that in the next future to see what can be done with that. IT is too young an industry to be clearly understandable by CEOs.
3. Connect the ItLegend concept to the SelfSealingBeliefs? Hmmm. Need to think about it.
4. Some pages are categorized with both CategoryAntiPattern and CategoryManagementAntiPattern and some not. It is not so clear for the fresh reader what is the logic.
There very often is not an overall logic because different people contributed different thoughts, perhaps at different times and unaware of what else is here. It is a valuable contribution to come in and pull it together and make sense of it as you see it. Thank you for your efforts. -- JohnFletcher
>> Thanks for that John! I'll do what I can.
5. Follow CodeSmell comments about CategoryCodeSmell and CategoryDevelopmentAntiPattern.
6. Think about "itineraries" in for instance to introduce people to DesignPatterns or AntiPatterns.
7. Added a big section for TPM. Interesting to anyone?