An attempt of categorization of ManagementAntiPatterns.
Requirements and analysis related AntiPatterns
- AnalysisParalysis
- HalfDoneIsEnough
- HiddenRequirements
- ItsNotRocketScience
- LeadingRequest
- SellingaProductYouCantRealize
- SpecifyNothing
- TheCustomersAreIdiots
- TheyUnderstoodMe
Human resources related AntiPatterns
- AnAthena
- AppointedTeam
- DiscordantRewardMechanisms
- DryWaterhole
- EgalitarianCompensation
- EmpireBuilding
- FungibleTeams
- FungibleProjectManager
- GlassWall
- InappropriateTechnicalObjective
- NetNegativeProducingProgrammer
- PlugCompatibleInterchangeableEngineers
- ThrownOverTheWall
- TrainTheTrainer
- WarmBodies
- YetAnotherProgrammer
Roles related AntiPatterns
Management related AntiPatterns
- BandAid
- BlameStorming
- CarbonCopyHisManager
- ConfusionOfObjectives
- DecisionByArithmetic
- GiveMeEstimatesNow
- HeirApparent
- HeroCulture
- IfItIsWorkingDontChange
- IrrationalManagement
- ManagerControlsProcess
- MushroomManagement
- ProjectMismanagement
- ScapeGoat
- SeagullManagement
- ShootTheMessenger
- StandingOnTheShouldersOfMidgets
- ViewgraphEngineering
- YetAnotherMeetingWillSolveIt
Process related AntiPatterns
- CornCob
- DeathByPlanning
- EmailIsDangerous
- IdiotProofProcess
- EmperorsNewClothes
- FalseSurrogateEndpoint
- TheProcessIsTheDeliverable
- WeAreIdiots
See also:
CategoryManagement CategoryManagementAntiPattern CategoryAntiPattern CategoryRoadMap