Fungible Teams

last modified: December 14, 2013

Fungible - being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in the satisfaction of an obligation.

Hence, FungibleTeams are teams perceived to consist of functionaries who can be swapped out and plugged into another team without damage to scope or team dynamic. Also applies to swapping whole teams.

Fungible - being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be converted to fungus without anyone noticing. Sorry, couldn't resist. :-)

Certain modes of management are based on this approach, because with fungible teams, you don't have to manage nor concern about careers. Every team member will never see the entire life of the project.

Another connected AntiPattern: FungibleProjectManager.

e.g. people in XP teams.

See PlugCompatibleInterchangeableEngineers.

