Dry Waterhole

last modified: May 8, 2014

AntiPattern Name: DryWaterhole

Type: Management

Problem: You get into the habit of specifying stringent requirements for a job when it is not strictly necessary. Over time this habit spreads to other employers, and the pool of available talent dries up as lesser experienced people are denied the opportunity to get experience

Context: Staff hiring


Supposed Solution: Advertise for AnAthena

Resulting Context:

Design Rationale:

Related AntiPatterns: AnAthena, GlassWall

Applicable Positive Patterns:

AntiPatternCategory: Management

Also Known As: ?

Examples in the Literature: This arose from considering the flip side of AnAthena: the detrimental effect on companies rather than the (prospective) staff.

Examples in Practice: At the time of writing (2004) the practices that lead to this situation are widespread:

At the moment, it is a buyer's market (ie the waterhole is fairly full). What happens over time remains to be seen.


Some passerby added:

you may also find yourself paying top dollar for overqualified talent(Though often times, many employers will try to attract top-tier talent with an average salary scale, and wonder why nobody wants to work there).

Fair point, and one I've tried to refer to in the main thesis. However, it's not the point being made here. If whoever it is wants to expand their theme on another page. It's a free wiki...

Some other dude said:

''This seems to be common these days in software. It seems that the escape valve is outsourcing. As the local talent pool seems to be small, and the representatives of the outside firms so professional. The crazy part is that when the work is actually being done, it's by the very people the original company couldn't be bothered to hire, but charging much more.

The company I work for falls into this trap frequently; I suggested one friend to work here as a junior programmer, but it was said that he wasn't experienced enough, even though everyone was complaining of a lack of junior programmers.

I suggested another person who everyone liked, but he was too expensive. As it stands now, we have few engineers.

We use outsourcers frequently, due to insufficient engineering staff but are usually unsatisfied with the quality of code they deliver.''
