Confusion Of Objectives

last modified: November 27, 2010

AntiPattern Name: ConfusionOfObjectives

Type: Management pattern

Problem: The personal objectives of the manager leading a team are not in line with the team objectives and they are considered more important than the success of the team tasks (typically a project).

Context: The manager cannot focus on the main task he was given because of important personal elements outside of the main task context he has on his radar (promotion, political fight, pay raise, better job, personal threat to address, etc.).

Forces: The forces applying in that case are related to the personal agenda of the manager :

Supposed Solution: The manager tries to make the team work for the sake of his personal objectives and not for the sake of the common task to perform. He tries to divert the teams from their primary focus to be able to work on his personal agenda. The manager is bound to turn things political or to delay some important decisions because it fits in his personal agenda.

Resulting Context:

Design Rationale: [rationale]

Related AntiPatterns:

Applicable Positive Patterns:

AntiPatternCategory: ManagementAntiPattern

Also Known As: [other names]

Examples in the Literature:

Examples in Practice:

Big projects are typically the place for those kind of behaviors because if the project shows some complexity, it's quite easy to cover your tracks. I faced numerous samples in my carrier.

It can be the root cause for:

CategoryAntiPattern, CategoryManagementAntiPattern
