This page is an attempt of classification of DevelopmentAntiPatterns.
Developer teams related AntiPatterns
Scoping related AntiPatterns
- AmbiguousViewpoint
- CreepingFeaturitis
- DeadEnd
- HiddenRequirements
- KitchenSinkDesign
- RequirementsTossedOverTheWall
- SpecifyNothing
Design related AntiPatterns
- AccidentalComplexity
- AccidentalInclusion
- AddingEpicycles
- DesignForTheSakeOfDesign
- FloatingPointCurrency
- FloatingPointFractions
- FunctionalDecomposition
- GrenadeMessage
- GoldenHammer
- ImplementationInheritance
- JunkyardCoding
- MagicContainer
- OverGeneralizationOfBusinessLogic
- OverUseOfPatterns
- PolterGeists
- SecretSociety
- TheGrandOldDukeOfYork
- TowerOfVoodoo
Code related AntiPatterns
- AsynchronousUnitTesting
- BigBallOfMud
- CopyAndPasteProgramming
- CrciCards
- DbClass
- ExceptionFunnel
- GodClass
- IfItIsWorkingDontChange
- InputKludge
- LavaFlow
- NullFlag
- PassingNullsToConstructors
- RubeGoldbergMachine
- SingleFunctionExitPoint
- SpaghettiCode
- StringWithoutLength
- SweepItUnderTheRugAntiPattern
- TrainWreck
- TheBlob
- VoodooChickenCoding
- WalkingThroughaMineField
- ZeroMeansNull
UI related AntiPatterns
Software strategy related AntiPatterns
Tools related AntiPatterns
Development process related AntiPatterns
See also:
CategoryRoadMap CategoryDevelopmentAntiPattern