Dead End

last modified: August 22, 2010

Problem: DeadEnd Anti-Pattern

This is also known as the Clang-Bird Anti-Pattern. A Clang Bird is an ancient bird that was known for flying in ever decreasing circles on its prey until it goes up its own rear and ends its life with a loud CLANG! The design team is stuck in AnalysisParalysis and management won't allow the team to stop working on the poorly designed architecture. This is much like a judge that won't allow the jury to be declared hung.

Solution: Simplify the Architecture with design goals in the form of a story that has a happy ending.

How is this different from the AnalysisParalysis antipattern?

I can think of a few situations covered by dead end and not covered by analysis paralysis. For instance, analysts reaching the conclusion that customer requirements are unrealistic or contradictory, and therefore not being able to provide a solution, but management insisting on sticking to the requirements and finding a solution. Or architects delivering a flawed design, and implementers not being allowed to change it.
