Also known as DragonSlaying. Based on FearCulture.
The one who stays later than the others is a hero.
On a FearCulture project, everyone stays late. The project director stays until 11:00 PM and arrives the next day at 8:00 AM. All other are expected to arrive earlier than their bosses and leave later than their bosses.
When the deadline is near, people are expected to work even harder. Some stay as late as 5:00 AM and then arrive the next day at 9:00. They look like fishes: Their eyes are open, but they look like they are sleeping with their eyes open.
The project is slipping. It can be considered a failure because nothing is delivered on time, rework is 90% of the work, so the schedule gets even tighter. More pressure, more time spent fixing errors so that others do not notice: the DeathSprint. DogFights in the office are common.
The one who stays later than the others is a hero. The one who doesn't can easily get fired because of his LackOfCompromise.
HeroCulture typically results in CodeVomit.