Mental Pattern

last modified: August 16, 2010

A quick experiment to add this topic was to define a MindPattern. I did not like the result of the experiment, so I changed the term Mind with Mental and tried a new (my own) definition. As I am not a native English speaker, it is easy to confuse the meaning of the two words mind and mental in this context. So I would say a MentalPattern is a skeleton of the way we behave, think or act that is repeated again and again.

These patterns have deep roots in our minds, some of them are conscious to us mostly they became conscious through the reaction of our environment. Several mental patterns belong to the cultural inheritance, others are just psychosis and again others are trend products. The dynamics of society is determined by the patterns of the individuals, politicians try to dictate patterns. One could identify hierarchies (in sense of OO*) of patterns, also patterns of patterns and so on.

-- MihalyElekes

A MentalPattern can also be a pattern used to represent things from the reality.

A good sample would be the necessity for a leader to have a good representation of IT concerns he does not understand. This is a common root problem of most of the IT projects. Somewhere, someone decided to launch a project and the launching is badly done because basic concerns were not addressed. When you look at the actors in the process, you can realize that some people, at certain levels of decisions, were not having the appropriate representations in mind. They were believing ItLegend for instance or they were believing the IT providers more than they had faith in their very teams. Their MentalPatterns were not adapted to the situation and so they were the source of inappropriate behaviors.

If we focus on the IT common concerns and envisage all the players in the IT related problems, we can discover that a lot of actors have not the appropriate MentalPatterns. That is quite obvious in the code where GangOfFour showed us that common patterns could address common problems. We can generalize this approach to all concerns that are around the coding problems especially generalize the MentalPattern approach to every actor taking a responsibility in the management of IT.

See also MentalModel, ManagementPattern, ManagementAntiPattern

