A RoadMap of WikiWikiWeb pages that touch the questions:
- What are patterns?
- What are pattern elements and features?
- What entities are like patterns but aren't patterns?
- What are types and variations of patterns?
- What are types of pattern collections?
(http://c2.com/ppr/wiki/WikiPagesAboutWhatArePatterns/html.zip - fast download of these pages.)
Pattern introduction
- PatternsForBeginners - An introduction
- SomePatternsQuestionsAnswered - Pattern questions and answers
- http://hillside.net/patterns/about/ - About patterns
- http://hillside.net/Wiki/ - Hillside Net Wiki
What are patterns (and their elements and features)?
- PatternDefinition - A discussion
- PatternDefinitionThread/MorePatternDefinionThread - A discussion
- http://hillside.net/patterns/definition.html - A discussion
PatternsMisconceptions - Myths and misconceptions about what patterns are and are not
PrinciplesAreNotPatterns - Patterns aren't the general principles themselves - they are the results of applying them
PatternEnvy - Possible reasons why some are too quick to use the "pattern" word when describing something
PatternityTest - Various criteria a pattern should meet before calling it "a pattern"
PatternValueSystem - Things pattern-writers should be concerned about
TipsForWritingPatternLanguages - A pattern formula of WardCunningham's
WhereDoPatternsComeFrom - Patterns are distillations of best practice
SuccessesAndPatterns - Extract commonness from success stories
WhyPatternsAreDifferent - Patterns chronicle solutions generated over time
ProvenPractice - Patterns have been UsedThreeTimes
DiscussionPatternCousins - Patterns capture experience
HaveThisPattern - Patterns are not original
PatternsDocumentTheObvious - Patterns document the obvious and the familiar
ForcesVsConsequences - Patterns have tension
WhenToUsePatternForm - Patterns balance multiple forces
PatternsDontNeedToGoBoom - Patterns are about catharsis
UsefulUsableUsed - Patterns are usable, and used
PatternLanguage - Alexander defines context, system of forces, solution
- http://www.PatternLanguage.com/ - Alexander's web page
PatternLanguagesArePatternsToo - PatternLanguages are patterns
PatternsAreNotTheLesserOfTwoEvils - Patterns relate context, forces, and solution
WhyPatternsAreInteresting - Texture of pattern problems is interesting
PatternInEverything - Pattern names help standardize out vocabulary
PurposeOfPatterns - Patterns give their users a common structure and vocabulary
Entities that are like patterns but aren't patterns
- AdviceVsPatterns
- KoansMetaphorsAndParables
- GamesVsPatterns
- PatternsVsDescriptions
- FormalMethodsAndPatterns
- LittleRulesAndPatterns
- ProcessAsPattern
- IdeaForm
Pattern types and variations
- AntiPatterns - Look like good ideas, backfire when applied
- ProtoPattern | PersonalPattern | SpeculationInPatternFormat | SuccessStory - Not yet UsedThreeTimes
- PatLet - Two sentence pattern
- ElementaryPatterns - Simple patterns used for teaching
- ProgrammingIdioms/ProgrammingIdiom - Language specific mini-patterns
- GammaPattern/DesignPatterns - Software patterns
- ProcessPatterns/OrganizationalPatterns - Social patterns
- GenerativePattern - Works indirectly, rather than attacking the problem directly
- ProcessPatternLanguageTaxonomy - Sorts patterns into structural, process, and behavioral
Patterns grouped by form
Patterns grouped by software development phase
- ProjectManagementPatterns
- ArchitecturalPatterns
- AnalysisPatterns
- DesignPatterns
- ProgrammingIdioms
- DocumentingFrameworksWithPatterns
- PerformanceTuningPatterns
PatternLanguage - More than the sum of its parts
- PatternLanguageTaxonomy
- KindsOfPatternLanguages
- PatternsHandbookLanguage - Unordered collection of patterns
- PrescriptivePatternLanguage - Ordered sequence of patterns
- PatternCatalog - Just the sum of its parts
- PatternSystem - Patterns grouped according to appropriate criteria
Other useful pages
- KindsOfPatterns
- HistoryOfPatterns
- BestPatternThreads
- QualityWithoutaName
- CategorizingPatterns
- PatternRelatedBookList
- PatternThink
- ReallyGoodPatternBooks
- RefactoringPatternSpace
Pattern examples - pages that point to lots of patterns
CategoryPattern CategoryRoadMap