[ProjectManagementPatterns] Example of this form: ExpertInEarshot
<Title> <Author>
Thumbnail: <some difficulty>, so... <some action>.
- <something you notice, hinting that this pattern may be applicable>
- <something that would indicate that this pattern would not be applicable>
- <things you want>
- <things that would prevent the obvious solution you would choose from working>
Do this:
- <Your suggestion>
Side Effects:
- <new problems that you might expect to crop up upon applying the solution, or new issues that come to the fore. Should not be empty.>
Overdose Effect:
- <what undesirable thing happens if you keep applying the suggested action over and over and over and over>
Related Patterns:
- <other patterns that relate, either superordinate, subordinate, competitor, or neighboring patterns, with references to where they can be found>
- <whatever theoretical grounding you can uncover that would lead you to believe this suggestion should work. This is not so much intended as a section to convince the reader, as it is intended to provide raw material for later pattern researchers to work from, when we get around to investigating principles underlying several dozen or several hundred patterns.>
- <the traditional three examples for patterns>
- <what to read to understand more about the principles or the pattern>
[1]Thumbnails of referenced patterns
CategoryPattern | CategoryPatternForm