Part of the Wiki BookList.
Be sure to see ReallyGoodPatternBooks.
Patterns & Architecture
- TheTimelessWayOfBuilding, ChristopherAlexander
- PatternLanguage, ChristopherAlexander, et. al.
- HowBuildingsLearn, StewartBrand
- Home: A ShortHistoryOfAnIdea, WitoldRybczynski
- LookingAround, WitoldRybczynski
- TheMostBeautifulHouseInTheWorld, WitoldRybczynski
- the RugBook, ChristopherAlexander
- NatureOfOrder, ChristopherAlexander
- SystemsArchitecting, Eberhardt Rechtin
- TheOregonExperiment, ChristopherAlexander
- House, TracyKidder describes the building of a new house, and the tensions between its Designer, its Builders, and the Client--problems analogous to those found in many software projects.
Patterns & Computers
- LittleJavaFewPatterns, MatthiasFelleisen and DanielFriedman
- DataModelPatterns, David C. Hay
- HowSoftwareSystemsLearn, D'NarbTrawets
- PatternLanguagesOfProgramDesign
- Volume 1, JimCoplien & DougSchmidt, eds.
- Volume 2, JohnVlissides, JimCoplien, and NormKerth, eds.
- Volume 3, RobertMartin, DirkRiehle, and FrankBuschmann, eds.
- Volume 4, NeilHarrison, BrianFoote, HansRohnert, eds.
- Volume 5, DragosManolescu, Markus Voelter, and JamesNoble, eds
- DesignPatternsBook: Elements of Reusable ..., GangOfFour (Gamma et. al.)
- PatternOrientedSoftwareArchitecture: A System Of Patterns, PartyOfFive (Buschmann, et al.)
- A FunctionalPatternSystemForObjectOrientedDesign, ThomasKuehne
- DesignPatternsForObjectOrientedSoftwareDevelopment, WolfgangPree
- SoftwarePatterns (A Management Briefing), JimCoplien, SIGS Publications
- AnalysisPatterns, MartinFowler
- SucceedingWithObjects, Goldberg and Rubin. Not really patterns, but frameworks. Still useful though.
- SurvivingObjectOrientedProjects, by AlistairCockburn, contains a dozen ProjectManagementPatterns, although he still calls them strategies there.
- PatternsOfSoftware, RichardGabriel
- SmalltalkBestPracticePatterns, KentBeck.
- DesigningPascalSolutions, Michael Clancy and Marcia Linn
- ReallyBadlyWrittenCORBADesignPatterns, Thomas Mowbray & Raphael Malveau
- ThePatternHandbook, LindaRising
- The DesignPatternsSmalltalkCompanion, ShermanAlpert, KyleBrown, and BobbyWoolf
- PatternHatching, JohnVlissides
- ProcessPatternsBook and MoreProcessPatterns by ScottAmbler -
- EssentialJavaStyle: Patterns For Implementation, JeffLangr
- DesignPatternsAndContracts, JeanMarcJezequel, MichelTrain, ChristineMingins
- SoftwareConfigurationManagementPatterns, BradAppleton and SteveBerczuk
- HeadFirstDesignPatterns, EricFreeman and ElisabethFreeman with KathySierra and BertBates
- PatternsForParallelProgramming Timothy G. Mattson, Beverly A. Sanders, Berna L. Massingill
- ImplementationPatterns KentBeck
- DesignPatternsInRuby Russ Olsen
Pattern-Think Referenced in Computer Books
- RefactoringImprovingTheDesignOfExistingCode, MartinFowler
- TheEssentialDistributedObjectsSurvivalGuide, by Orfali, Harkey, and Edwards
- LargeScaleCppSoftwareDesign, by John Lakos
- ObjectSolutions, Grady Booch
- ObjectOrientedDesignHeuristics, Authur Riel
- InformationOverload, Jerrold M. Grochow
- PeopleWare, by DeMarco and Lister
- BringingDesignToSoftware edited by Terry Winograd presents some good discussions about how we software professionals should pay attention to ideas from other disciplines of design.
- BeyondProgramming, Bruce I. Blum
Patterns, MetaPatterns, Languages, Stories, Culture... "Across space, time and mind"
- TheLanguageInstinct. StevenPinker
- Metapatterns, AcrossSpaceTimeAndMind. Tyler Volk
- WomenWhoRunWithTheWolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estés
- TheAbileneParadox, Jerry B. Harvey
- PleaseUnderstandMe, David Keirsey & Marilyn Bates
- KnotsBook, by R. D. Laing