Contains 68 ObjectOrientedDesignHeuristics -- Arthur J. Riel [ ISBN: 0-201-63385-X
Here is a book emphasizing object-oriented development in such a way as to provide specific experience-based guidelines to help developers make the right design decisions. It offers a second step for readers that already know the basics of object-oriented development and now need to know if they are doing it right.
Does it give detailed explanations on why a given approach is "right"? A better approach would be to teach readers how to weigh design tradeoffs in terms of readability, testability, change-management, etc. Then it could be used for ANY paradigm, not just OOP. Teach people how to think, not what to think. Critical comparative skills are in short supply while authoritative advice is flowing over. --top
I prefer this book over the DesignPatternsBook, because I believe more mistakes are made at this level than at the patterns level. --ChrisDailey
For a sample see this PDF containing some of the heuristics mentioned in this book: -- StuartWoodward