Thomas Kuehne

last modified: December 4, 2013

Since November 2007 Thomas has been an Associate Professor at the Victoria University of Wellington. Before that he was an Assistant Professor at the Darmstadt University of Technology, an Acting Professor at the Software Engineering Department of the University of Mannheim and the Darmstadt University of Technology, a researcher at the University of Kaiserslautern and a Lecturer in Computing at Staffordshire University where he gave courses about UML, CRC, design patterns, Java, C++, Smalltalk, and other topics. Before that he has been a PhD student at the Darmstadt University of Technology where he wrote his thesis called "A FunctionalPatternSystemForObjectOrientedDesign."

Thomas gradually learned that one language has been an improvement over almost all its successors: Smalltalk! Check out the Smalltalk Industry Council at ( BrokenLink )

You can learn more about Thomas at

-- Thomas (updated 2008 by Martin)

My notes show this attribution for the anonymous quote on your home page: "Java, the best argument for Smalltalk since C++. (by Frank Winkler)"

At first glance your publication link doesn't seem to point to your publications. -- DougMerritt

