Number one on this list has to be the works of ChristopherAlexander such as TheTimelessWayOfBuilding and A PatternLanguage.
Then comes DesignPatterns a.k.a. GOF (GangOfFour) which also has a DesignPatternsSmalltalkCompanion
The PLoP series the conference series of the same name, PatternLanguagesOfProgramDesign, especially PLoPD 3.
KentBeck's SmalltalkBestPracticePatterns is a favorite, as much for the style as the content. Non-Smalltalkers can get a lot out of it too.
We've now seen published a few LandminesAroundLandmarkBooks. Rather than enumerate the duds, we here take the positive approach and list the really good ones. Read this list carefully. If you find one to be just pretty good, go ahead and remove it.
...and after those, consider the other books in the PatternRelatedBookList.