JimCoplien wrote the first Organizational Patterns, and published them with NeilHarrison in OrganizationalPatternsOfAgileSoftwareDevelopment. An interactive version of the book as well as links to the earlier material can be found at orgpatterns.wikispaces.com (Wayback Machine last available version: http://web.archive.org/web/20070127014917/http://i44pc48.info.uni-karlsruhe.de/cgi-bin/OrgPatterns )
Here are organizational AmeliorationPatterns discussed on this wiki.
- ChangeOfSetting
- ContainmentBuilding
- DoorMat
- ExpertInEarshot
- PeaceMaker
- TrainHardFightEasy
- TrialProject
Can be Anti-Pattern:
- BrownianMotion
- CargoCult
- CryptoCracy
- SlowPoison
- TrainTheTrainer
- GuruDoesAll
- LetsPlayTeam
- BorrowingFromTheLoanShark
See also: Business Pattern, System Archetypes http://www.systems-thinking.org/arch/arch.htm
I believe the original patterns (OrgPatterns) can be found at http://www.easycomp.org/cgi-bin/OrgPatterns?WebIndex (BrokenLink 2010/1/10 see OrgPatterns)