Requirements As Architecture

last modified: July 21, 2013

AntiPattern Name: RequirementsAsArchitecture

Type: Design

Problem: A project manager must get realized or a developer must realize a software without having an architecture competence available.

Context: The project is driven by time constraints and probably TheCustomerIsSoMean.


Supposed Solution: The project manager or developer takes the requirements as the architecture, so they interpret the customer's requirements as of they were written by IT architects.

Resulting Context:

Seductive forces: This AntiPattern is very popular because a lot of project managers don't really understand the purpose of doing software architecture. Contractually, they prefer to interpret requirements in a way that leads the customer to endorse the responsibility of the architecture without him knowing exactly what all this is about.

Related AntiPatterns: ArchitectureMadeBySales

Applicable Positive Patterns: ExplainSoftwareToTheCustomer, GetAnArchitectOnBoard

AntiPatternCategory: ManagementAntiPattern, ArchitectureAntiPattern

Also Known As:

Examples in the Literature:

Examples in Practice:

Some service companies are working in this spirit. It is a very good way for them to confuse customers that don't understand IT. By using RequirementsAsArchitecture, the provider is guaranteed to obtain more services to sell in several phases of the project, in order to:

As all that is done upon a very bad architecture, all costs are multiplied by enormous factors. This can be a very profitable business model whereas it remains a very BadThing.

CategoryAntiPattern CategoryArchitectureAntiPattern
