I am the CTO of products at Tripwire, Inc. Most of my career has been spent working on programming interfaces, class interfaces, and reusable programming assets in general. Today I spend most of my time trying to bridge the gap between a user's mental model of how they want to work and a programmer's implementation model. Most of my recent reading has been around Product Management, IxD, and UxD. Weird places indeed for an engineer to hang out.
You can check out some marketing stuff on the latest version of the product at: http://www.tripwire.com/. The 7.6 version is currently shipping and I'm pretty excited about it.
Contact Information:
Robert Angelo DiFalco Portland, OR 97204
Some recent books I've liked:
- Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love -- Marty Cagan
- An Underachiever's Diary -- Benjamin Anastas
- ThePragmaticProgrammer
- Intelligent Information Agents -- MatthiasKlusch (Ed.)(highly-recommended)
- High Performance Cluster Computing (Volume 2) -- RajkumarBuyya (highly-recommended - especially the chapters on TupleSpace and Concurrency in Java)
- JavaSpacesPrinciplesPatternsAndPractice
- Information Warfare and Security -- Dorothy Denning
Some of my favorite books are:
- Full of Life -- the one and only John Fante
- Complexity : The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos -- M. Mitchell Waldrop
- TheMythicalManMonth
- Working with Objects -- TrygveReenskaug
- SoftwareArchitectureInPractice
- ComputersAsTheatre
- Object-Oriented Software Construction -- BertrandMeyer
- Software Reusability : Applications and Experience (Acm Press Frontier Series) -- Ted J. Biggerstaff Editor (specifically the chapters by JosephGoguen)
- DesignPatternsBook
- Object-Oriented Software Engineering : A Use Case Driven Approach -- IvarJacobson
- Object-Oriented Design with Application -- GradyBooch
- Applying UML and Patterns -- CraigLarman
- Rise & Resurrection of the American Programmer -- EdwardYourdon
- ComponentSoftware - Beyond Object-Oriented Programming -- ClemensSzyperski
Some of my favorite music is:
- Wolfe Parade
- Elliot Smith
- Arcade Fire
- Devandra Banhart
- Bright Eyes
- Jolie Holland
- Nick Drake
- Modest Mouse
- Neutral Milk Hotel
- Tom Waits
- Charles Mingus
- June of 44
- Ornette Coleman
- Karate
- Charlie Parker
- Thelonious Monk
- Built to Spill
- Pavement
- Sonic Youth
- Sebadoh
- Billie Holiday
- Nina Simone
- Captain Beefheart
- Mozart (especially Great Mass in C Minor and The Requiem)
- Bella Bartok
Some of my Pages
- CppUtxOverview -- my very first contribution to Wiki
- GeneralizeOnExceptionBehavior -- needs to be shortened
- BlocksInJava -- get rid of redundant sections on InternalIteration
- HierarchicalVisitorPattern -- in progress
- BlackboardMetaphor -- AssociativeMemory idiom
- ComputeServer -- AssociativeMemory idiom, nasty, but at least I started it. Should probably clean up and use one of the CategoryPatternForm entries.
- GreatDesign -- I liked this one
- EntryAsMetaObject
- DistributedComposite
Pages I don't want to forget to keep working on....
- DoEngineersNeedOpportunists -- another rant
- CommunalDevelopment -- just a little refactoring
- InheritedJavaSingletonProblem -- WayneConrad and I, at some point, will try to put this into DocumentMode.
- CppUtxOverview -- mine for the Restricted Compositeinto pattern format and onto their own pages (this is a composite that does not have the collection interface in the Leaf components)
- DesignPatterns -- find non-GangOfFour patterns on Wiki and reference the appropriate Topic (i.e. CategoryStructuralPatterns, CategoryBehavioralPatterns, or CategoryCreationalPatterns) -- s**t, shouldn't have made these plural!!
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