Dan Muller

last modified: November 8, 2009

Dan Muller's Wiki page

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You can send me an email message via http://spookydistance.com/dmuller_mail.html. I no longer publish an email address due to address harvesting by spammers.

See also http://www.spookydistance.com/dmuller/ and http://grault.net/adjunct/index.cgi?DanMuller.

...created Dec 22, 2000.

I'm a software engineer with strong interests in many aspects of the profession, which is why I kept ending up at Wiki -- all of the most interesting topics I search for on the Web have links to this place.

Some of my favorite subtopics are programming languages and programming tools. (With respect to tools, I tend towards the UNIX-style command-line camp, and am not a fan of comprehensive IDEs.) I've been working with C++ for many years and feel that I have an above-average grasp of the language. I've also worked a lot at various times with Pascal, Lisp, FORTRAN, and Perl. Since 1998, my day job has required learning a lot about database theory, which eventually led me to read DateAndDarwen's "Foundation for Future Database Systems: The Third Manifesto", (renamed second edition of "Foundation for Object/Relations Databases: The Third Manifesto"). This book sent me off on another jag of ruminating about programming language design. See TheThirdManifesto.

Just for fun, here are the programming languages I've worked with to varying degrees over the years, in rough chronological order:

Notably absent from the above: SmalltalkLanguage, PythonLanguage, JavaLanguage.

Other background details to satisfy the daily deluge of inquiries about my exciting past:

C2 Wiki pages I've started (very few):


On DateAndDarwensTypeSystem

Costin thinks that this type system is too informally or incompletely described to be of interest. I'm not sure that I agree. I've done some reading in the texts on type systems that he has recommended, but haven't finished. Here are some thoughts that have arisen so far.

The referenced treatments of type systems seem to be based heavily on types composed from parts, i.e. structure-like and union-like systems. There seems to be an alternate school of thought on types based on behavioral interfaces, though, which largely treats the values described by type systems as atomic. I haven't read far enough yet to see how/if these views are reconciled. At some level, the two views have to touch; composed types are, after all, ultimately composed from atomic, built-in types.

In D&D's type system, composed types are described entirely by tuples. Collections of values are largely described by relvars, as collections of tuples. (The possibility of other collection types is left open, but let's leave that aside for now.) Other types (all of which are considered scalar) are considered opaque in structure -- and in fact D&D explicitly omit discussion of their internal structure and how to describe it. This, I believe, is one of the aspects that Costin most takes issue with. In this respect, for the domain that D&D are primarily concerned with, they don't really differ from built-in types, so I don't really see the lack of a formal means of describing their internal structure as a debilitating impediment.

The introduction of THE_* operators and their use as pseudo-variables (assignment targets) seems to imply structure in these scalars. But I think that the explanation of assignments to THE_* expressions as shorthands for construction of new scalar values followed by assignment to variable, updating the entire state of a scalar variable, is an adequate formalism that allows one to continue considering such values as indivisible scalars. The question of what computations, exactly, are done by such functions is not really at issue; they can be considered as built-in manipulators of opaque, built-in scalar types, without invalidating the rest of the discussions which focus on the relational system.

There is a little more detail on this topic in a paper titled "MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENT" by Date, available at http://www.dbdebunk.com under Publications, but you have to pay for access to it. The paper is not, I think, essential to understanding the topic, but goes into more detail on the semantics of multiple (aka parallel) assignments. Of necessity, it discusses the role and meaning of THE_* pseudo-variables in such assignments.

D&D's work seems to implicitly assume manifest typing throughout. (At least I don't remember an explicit discussion of this as a choice among alternatives.) I've been playing around with an implicitly typed relational interface, and don't see any particular problems with such a system from a logical point of view. There are issues with implementation and performance, of course, but they don't seem insurmountable at this point.

These thoughts represent a small snapshot of my current thinking. I intend to do more reading on formal type theory. -- DanMuller

On Relation-Valued Attributes (RVAs) in TTM

One thing I haven't fully grokked is Date's treatment of avoiding nulls by using nested relations. For one thing, Date advocates using the latter to avoid the former, but then he elsewhere advocates avoiding the latter when possible, which seems like blowing hot and cold from the same mouth -- and so I wonder if any real world system has implemented his advice (which I doubt), and if not, is it because he's hand-waving, and his advocated approach actually is self-contradictory? -- DMe

I think "avoiding nulls by using nested relations" is a mischaracterization. Can you elaborate on where you got that impression from? D&D merely point out that there's no reason not to allow relations (or tuples) as attribute values, and they suggest some operators to help work with such. They do recommend against using such an arrangement in base relations, a recommendation that makes good sense to me. I don't remember a direct connection between this topic and nulls. -- DanM

In Chapter 18 Missing Information section 18.5 Outer Join (A Digression) page 599 of 7th edition, in discussing an issue where an inner join can, loosely speaking, "lose information", where an outer join does not, but produces NULLs, Date eventually says "relation-valued attributes provide an alternative approach to the problem anyway -- an approach that does not involve nulls and does not involve outer join either and is in fact (in this writer's opinion) an altogether more elegant solution."

But of course in Chapter 11 Further Normalization I: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF section 11.6 A Note on Relation-Valued Attributes, pg 372 of 7th ed., Date says "it is possible for a relation to include an attribute whose values are relations in turn...relvars can have relation-valued attributes, too. From the point of view of database design, however, such rerlvars are usually contraindicated because they end to be asymmetric <footnote_below/> -- not to mention the fact that their predicates tend to be rather complicated! -- and such asymmetry can lead to various practical problems."

<footnote>"Historically, in fact, such relvars were not even legal -- they were said to be unnormalized, meaning they were not even regarded as being in 1NF [10.4]. See Chapter 5"</footnote>

I understand that he's absolutely against NULLs, and that nested relations are just one of multiple ways to avoid NULLs, and that he isn't absolutely against nested relations, but nonetheless, it's partially conflicting advice, thus...well, thus my original paragraph above.

Hmmm...maybe I'm being obtuse again. The point I suppose is closer to "as a rule of thumb, do use nested relations in derived relvars, but don't use them in base relvars", which means there's less conflict than I had been thinking. I'm still not entirely happy with that, though, because I like things to be consistent and FirstClass in general, and did in fact just mention yesterday that I like the idea of using views fairly universally, and this advice would definitely demote views to second class citizens. It pierces the (hypothetical ideal) veil making base and view tables appear identical. -- DougMerritt

Yes, I think it has the status of a 'rule of thumb'. Logically, there's probably no particularly reason to prefer one over the other, although I think some functional dependencies of attributes in a child record on a parent record's key may be more readily apparent in a base schema if it eschews RVAs. OTOH, using RVAs gives you 'cascaded delete' and 'cascaded update' functionality for free, in a sense.

RVAs would really be useful for applications. Consider, for example, how much simpler the code to load an object's state would be, when the object hierarchically contains other objects. Or how much simpler code to drive report generation could be.

In cases where a relationship between two tables wasn't strictly a parent/child relationship, using RVAs in the base schema to represent one of them would seem unnormalized, although I haven't considered if it would be according to the current formal definitions of normal forms.

-- DanM

Another thought on RVAs: One of the advantages I've seen touted for business objects over relation-based interfaces to databases is the ease of navigating relationships. I think that RVAs potentially negate this advantage by making navigation just as easy with a direct representation of tuples and relations. Details could depend on the programming language and typing system, though.

-- DanM

Regarding Off-Topic Pages

Although blatantly off-topic pages are sometimes interesting, there's a continuum ranging from interesting trivia (e.g. the pages about countries and movies) to topics that, to treat them with anything approaching sober discourse, require an entire wiki of their own. Those same topics also tend to draw the most yahoo-out-there rhetoric. This quantity and type of rhetoric detracts from the purpose of this wiki in exactly the same way that spam detracts from the purpose of my email inbox. The analogy to spam is very close; both are pushed by people who rudely ignore the purpose of the venue. Both email and wiki spammers might argue that moving such topics to a less visible venue would deprive their message of attention, and they're right, and I'll even admit that there's an occasional legitimate lost opportunity to evoke someone's further curiosity on an important topic. I have occasionally gotten interesting spam in my email; but on principle I delete them without investigating further. The more common loss is the time spent to wade through the crud to find the legitimate email, which has a higher likelihood of relevance to my interests.

In an age where attention is a critical commodity, spamming of all sorts (inappropriate use of a communications medium) amounts to attempted theft.

Attentive wiki readers will note that I have occasionally made minor contributions to such pages in the past. I will refrain from doing so in the future. OTOH, I may continue to contribute to off-topic pages that I deem to be non-controversial trivia.

-- DanMuller

