Gennadi Blindmann was R&D director at some corparations like: WisoSoftCom Ltd and Coextant Ltd. His team developed:
1. Multi-touch hardware:
The solutions are flat, curved and spherical; infrared and projective capacitive.
Success story: Project "Globe"/"Globus"/"Глобус"
2. Multi-touch software
For Example: Multitouch menu, Multitouch Earth - interactive Earth, Virtual Enrance, Marine rout navigation and etc.
Our solutions are uniq, highly innovative and unusual.
Success story: Applications for "Interactive Globe"/"Multitauch Globus"/"Мультитач Глобус"
3. Multi-touch projects:
- Interactive Globe/Multitauch Globus/Мультитач Глобус;
- Multitouch menu;
- Multitouch Earth - interactive Earth;
- Virtual Enrance;
- See rout navigation.
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Project for his wife, restaurator from Munich : - Restaurierung und Konservierung historischer, moderner und zeitgenossischer Gemälde, russische Ikonen, Holzskulpturen und Rahmen. - Реставрация и консервация старинных, модерных и современных картины, икон, деревянных скульптур и рам.
Other projects: Medical and Business: SharePoint for Siemens, MAN und Deutsche Post (DHL).