Starting a list for use with the WikiEngineReview of all WikiEngines, WikiFarms, and WikiForums (and the WikiEngine they use) that I can find.
I will start with any lists I can find, which include:
- WikiEngines
- WikiFarm (apparently to be moved to WikiFarms)
- (looks like useful information -- I wish I had found it earlier)
- This link is broken -- 2002-07-10 (looks like useful information - I wish I had found it earlier)
--gone to read--
My intent is to maintain the lists in alphabetic order.
The reason is that I am overwhelmed with WikiEngines.
- AlansWiki -- same as OwlWiki?
- AnotherPhpWiki -- Aims toward KeheiWiki compatibility. GPL
- AspWiki - Wiki implemented in ActiveServerPages.
- AtisWiki -- Perl-based, configurable backends (files, CVS) and Look-and-Feel.
- BazzaWiki -- not publicly available
- BlastWiki -- PHP based, very small (needs MySQL).
- CLiki - a CommonLispWiki with the StandardSetOfFeatures, plus HTML, less WikiCase
- CvWiki -- WikiBase-based, more functional than AtisWiki, but lacking a GPL.
- CyberPublishing -- a wiki-based Web publishing framework written in Python; GPL
- DevWiki -- An LGPLd JavaLanguage implementation with CVS versioning and multiple WikiSpaces. Very flexible/configurable... maybe a little hard to set up.
- eWiki -- wiki written in EiffelLanguage:
- DolphinWikiWeb -- ObjectArts' GPL PerlLanguage wiki (supports templates, is used for many sites)
- IoWiki -- written in IoLanguage to show off PrototypeBasedProgramming
- JavaWiki -- is this also AlansWiki and OwlWiki? OwlWikiScreenShot -- or is AlansWiki a forum?
- Jiki (JikiJikiJava) -- An OpenSource distributed components-based wiki
- Jwiki (JavaWiki) -- A wiki written in JavaLanguage using servlets and MS Access (by RicardoClements).
- JWiki -- A wiki written in JavaLanguage. Very lightweight server.
- JosWiki -- PerlLanguage (replaced by the TwikiClone engine)
- FreeWiki -- JSP-based OpenSource wiki
- FrikiServlet -- 'Friki' a "Do the Simplest Thing" servlet-based wiki
- KeheiWiki -- PerlLanguage, derived from JosWiki
- MoinMoin -- A PythonLanguage SourceForge project, based on PikiPiki.
- MoshiMoshi -- A SchemeLanguage SourceForge project
- NotesWiki -- A simple wiki written for LotusNotes
- OddMuse -- A PerlLanguage derivative of UseMod used by the EmacsWiki
- OwlWiki -- Sama as AlansWiki and JavaWiki?
- OpenWiki -- ASP based wiki, has a unique difference engine. BSD license.
- PatternStoriesWiki, a.k.a. WikicWeb
- PhikiWiki -- yet another PHP wiki, based on PikiPiki.
- PhpWiki -- PHP-based wiki, runs on Pear:DB, adodb, flatfile or dba, GPL.
- Pyle - - PythonLanguage, GPL, (G)DBM or CVS, lots of extensions
- PyWiki -- PythonLanguage, uses RCS, GPL license
- PikiPiki -- PythonLanguage, will run completely standalone
- PikiePikie -- PythonLanguage, lets you put a WebLog on any page (based on PIkiPiki)
- PnutsWiki -- A wiki written in Pnuts, will run as a servlet.
- QwikWiki (Qwiki) -- PerlLanguage, rapid searching, OpenSource
- RubyWiki (RWiki) -- RubyLanguage, XHTML1.0 Strict, indent-based text block format.
- SimpleWiki -- Squeak wiki (more commonly called swiki)
- sfWiki -- PHP and MySQL, for SourceForge sites.
- SpiDer -- Intergraph's ASP-based Wiki.
- SqueakSmalltalk -- Distribution includes a wiki in Smalltalk
- StrikiWiki -- I don't know what its claim to fame is -- follow the link
- SushiWiki -- a wiki implemented in DotNet
- TcbWorks -- Free to certain organizations
- ThoughtsWeaver -- See OrgPatterns for instance, not public?
- TiKi -- RubyLanguage, simple and small, with (Japanese) kanji support
- TwikiClone (TWiki) -- PerlLanguage, mature and full featured system targeting the corporate intranet world
- UseModWiki -- PerlLanguage, actively developed with WikiNature options and simple setup.
- VanillaWikiClone -- a RebolLanguage wiki
- VbWiki -- VisualBasic, runs under Win95, NT
- WebWeb -- Might be a victim of leaping CreepingFeaturitis
- WebWebX -- Derivative of WebWeb - see WebWebTwo
- WikicWeb -- CeeLanguage based
- WikiDoc -- Macro to make MicrosoftWord wiki-like.
- WikiMode for Emacs -- Local wiki-like editing mode.
- WikiServer for WIN32 -- wiki implemented in C++ as a standalone (minimal!) HTTP 1.0 server
- WikiSlurp -- A spider that downloads a wiki site as local HTML files.
- WikiWebHelp -- AJAX wiki designed to operate like a desktop chm help viewer.
- WikiWikiWeb -- WardCunningham's original wiki, in PerlLanguage, using DBM
- WikiWorks -- wiki for VisualWorks, used heavily and full features.
- Wiki++ -- A WysiwygWiki using C++ & IE4. Try WikiCpp
- WiKit -- Based on Tcl and Metakit (also has a local mode)
- WikkiTikkiTavi -- Written in PHP, uses MySQL
- WikLeet -- Extremely fast wiki for Templeet. Written in Templeet language, uses PHP.
- YetAnotherWiki -- Squeak based
- YukiWiki -- Yet another wiki for Japanese.
- ZwiKi (ZWiki) -- ZopeApplicationServer-based, powerful, GPL.
Non-public Wikis, but still worth discussion
- ArgoWiki in VisualWorks Smalltalk, aka ArgoWikiWiki
- BazzaWiki
- EnvisioningWiki A clone, but not ready yet(?)
- KmWiki -- wiki + KnowledgeManagement, Java
- MsWiki -- a MicrosoftFrontPage friendly wiki
- MuWebWeb, and its clones Link fixed -- TomStambaugh
- NikiNiki -- JPython servlet, now password protected.
- OopslaStudentVolunteers
- PatsWiki (pWiki)
- PanuViljamaa's Dater
- ProWikiEngine, a German wiki engine, derived from UseModWiki
- ScRibble in (re)development, oriented towards project teams
- SoftWiki -- Tcl scripts living in a database that users can modify.
- SpikeWiki A clone in development, pending resources
- Statistics wiki at Wharton--not ready for public display--uses kwiki
- TheWib -- in PerlLanguage for customer support Link?
- WikiWebDotCom -- in SmalltalkLanguage (a product and free service)
Still in development.
Inactive or unreachable (as of October 1999)
- AustinDavid's Kwiki (sorry! It's OK now) -- subject = sailing
- SchemeWiki (no site given, possibly just ideas)
- FreeWeb (404 not found)
- SystemEnvisioningWiki (available, but no edits for 9 months)
- StoryBase (404 not found)
Of interest to me is how each of these wikis stores its pages. I like having the pages in plain text so that I can port between wikis if need be (I like trying different wikis :-). Is it worth attempting to produce a list of wikis whose pages can be exchanged between them? -- ChanningWalton
See WikiFarms, WikiForums, OneBigWiki
''Is a WikiFarm? There are a bunch of wikis there, but only the administrator can set up a new one. (Aside: It uses WikiWorks 0.6)''
See VisualWorksWiki