WikLeet is an extremely fast wiki system for Templeet.
It uses caching to plain HTML files (and support other formats as SMIL, TXT, ...) and if the file does not exist (404), the user is redirected to a page which will generate the HTML page. So the first user support the cost of page generation, the following users benefit from the static page loading times (ie: analog to webserver serving of static pages).
Here is a demo of the WikLeet wiki http://gr8k.fasmz.org/wiki/templeet.php/view,main,index.html
Hmm - some tweaks needed, especially for Netscape.
Some improvement at last ... you should check http://gr8k.fasmz.org/templeet/a/wikleet/view,wikleet,AboutWikleet.html _Gr8K_
Here is the main site of Templeet: http://www.templeet.org
There is this _excellent_ study of CMS performances, but it's in french. The graphics are clear enough that people NOT SPEAKING french will still understand. It compares Apache, Zope, SPIP, Drupal, PHP-Nuke and Templeet. http://nexus.ouvaton.org/Benchmark_OpenBrick/(and this bench is totally stupid, they compare apples and oranges)
A+++ PhiLl