A MicrosoftCorporation technology that combines an IsapiExtension with ActiveX scripting engine(s), the same technology that makes scripting available in MicrosoftInternetExplorer, to create a simple way to write server side code in a plethora of languages. In practice, though, it was mostly used with VB-script. Thus, a job ad for "ASP" would usually imply the use of VB-script.
See also:
- OoAspPractices
- XpAsp
- AspWiki
- AspUnit
- AspApplication
- ActiveServerPage
- ActiveServerPagesExecution
- ActiveXscripting
- AspJspAlternatives
- JassWiki
- AspEditor
- AspDotNet
Chili!Soft has a delicious ASP knock-off that (shocked gasp) works with Apache: http://www.chilisoft.com/
- Just visited there, now Sun ONE - sometimes Sun are a lot like MS in their acquisitiveness
A Solution exists to combine Apache, Perl, and ASP - see http://www.apache-asp.org/
(This solution ONLY supports Perlscript as the scripting language. VBScript - ASP's default language - is not supported ) Is it a good solution still? Is there a SourceForge solution? March 2004 question --dl
Of note:
- ASPs are inherently COM enabled, due to the nature of the ScriptingEngine architecture.
- There are five global COM objects "injected" into the ActiveServerPage's executing ScriptingEngine per request:
- Request - used to get all the details of the current request
- Response - used to return all the details of the response
- Server - contains generic functions for creating objects and encoding HTML/URLs
- Application - a collection of global values for the AspApplication that the executing ActiveServerPage belongs to
- Session - a collection of values specific to the remote user that is maintained for a configurable number of minutes since the user last made a request (note: this feature is a scalability KILLER and should never be used for large scale sites)
- Individual ASPs can be marked as transactional (i.e. transaction="required"). Note: see ComPlus or MicrosoftTransactionServer for details on this COM feature.
The following sites will host ASP and Access databases free of charge...
- http://domaindlx.com
- http://www2.ewebcity.com/home/index.asp
- http://www.webhostme.com
- http://www.brinkster.com
- http://1asphost.com/
Try it now before the bubble bursts!
What is the catch about the "free" ASP hosting sites? Any one found significant problems such as spyware or other unacceptable behaviour? How do these sites make their money? -- dl
Lanqing: Well, the bubble did burst. Among the 5 sites above, only 2 are offering the free hosting now. Two were gone and 1 is charging monthly fee.
I am looking for any site that can help a beginner in ASP. PLEASE HELP
Sure. Look at
- http://www.microsoft.com/mind/0198/asptips/asptips.asp Top Ten Tips
- http://www.asptoday.com/ (ASP Today charges a subscription for most content now)
- http://www.learnasp.com/
- http://www.1001tutorials.com/asp/index.shtml
- http://www.15seconds.com/
- http://www.activeserverpages.com/
- http://www.wrox.com/Consumer/Default.asp?Category=ASP
- http://www.asp101.com/
* http://dotnetjini.jigneshdesai.com/OtherResources/listcode.aspx?id=1
Read more on http://www.siteexperts.com
Also : http://www.visualbuilder.com/
Also: http://www.aspfree.com/ and search the DevLinks database at http://www.aspfree.com/devlinks
Links in regards to an ASP connecting to an OracleDatabase:
AspMail is the "de facto standard for Active Server Pages based e-mail messaging." says http://www.pinnaclepublishing.com/AW/AWmag.nsf/0/B323D297DF822995852568E200579139 ServerObjects makes the COM component.
Check also this one:
* http://www.4guysfromrolla.com
and if you have a machine with IIS or PWS installed there's quite a good tutorial section built into the help feature, start IIS then go to http://[your server IP]/iishelp/iis/misc/default.asp
If you really want to learn ASP, and not asp dot net like every one else, you can ease the pain by checking out how to use classes and instantiate objects, avoiding the classic newbie errors:
ASP code (including JavaServerPages and such) scale poorly; all the low-level text output stuff clogs up the works when you try to refine your high-level abstractions. >Sigh<
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this, can you elaborate a bit... maybe with a small example?
When you mix one language and another via little <%%> markers, you are, by definition, mixing concerns. This makes for a highly coupled, procedural, write-only fix characteristic of startup shops using newbies coding ASP.
To decouple your presentation elements from business logic, simply use a template based system. Take an existing one, write your own in VB or C++ compiled code, or use XML/XSLT techniques. Decoupling business logic from datastore logic is even easier. -- LaurensPit
Only one language can be used within the <% %> markers per page (as defined by the application settings or by the @language page command). Other languages can only be mixed if they are nested in <script> tags.
So why do you mix languages, then, when you know it's not good for you? --ThomasEyde.
See "The Problem" at http://virtualschool.edu/jwaa/ for why ASP/JSP is no longer my preferred approach, and an alternative way of doing it. --BradCox
Professional Active Server Pages 3.0 is a book published 1999 by Wrox (ISBN: 1-861002-61-0 )
The book covers the ASP that come with WindowsTwoThousand. It addresses topics such as ComPlus. There is a separate beginners version at (ISBN: 1-861003-38-2 ).
The book started with a description of the ASP ObjectModel, then the next secion is on ActivexDataObject, then component building, then integration with MS backoffice services (e.g. ActiveDirectory) . Next section is on Enterprise concerns such as scalability and security (e.g. certificates) and performance.
Before the Appendix of this 1300 page book there is a case study of an XML driven newspaper site.
A sample chapter on DistributedInternetArchitecture, called Components and Web Application Architecture, can still be found (mid 2004) at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/technologies/iis/deploy/projplan/componen.mspx.
This is an instance of the TemplateView pattern.
CategoryComponentObjectModel CategoryWebDesign