If you prefer nicer looking code than ASP/JSP/PSP give you, then check out:
- CheetahTemplate (Python)
- WebMacro (Java)
- mod_lisp, AllegroServe, Cl-http (Lisp)
Take a look at XMLC (http://xmlc.enhydra.org/). Although webmacro (eg) does not mix html with java, it mixes it with something new (that someone has to learn!). By mixing any code with html you increase the cost of your web designer, reduce their toolset, or require a 'chinese whisper' phase of letting someone else merge code with their new html during site maintenance. XMLC lets web designers just write html, and java coders just write java (plain ol' servlets), although it is less of a 'complete solution' than WebMacro/JSP. YMMV though, you should do the comparison for yourself.
WhatHappened since the comments made four years ago by Is XMLC still a viable and best alternative to ActiveServerPages? Please do not mention MicrosoftDotNet as I am looking for inexpensive and simple solutions that can be processed on InternetInformationServer.