Web Macro

last modified: July 12, 2008

WebMacro is a JavaServlet development framework, including a template engine and extensible component model. It uses Java introspection to make any object in your servlet accessible in your template.

WebMacro is free under the GnuPublicLicense, with alternate licensing available for proprietary commercial use. It is available, with source, from http://sourceforge.net/projects/webmacro.

WebMacro brings a ModelViewController design to server side web programming (http://www.webmacro.org/Servlet.html BrokenLink). See ServletDesign. There is a WebMacroWiki project available as well.

WebMacro 2.0 has been released on 2005-Oct-31 and includes new features such as macros, templets, constants, maps, eval and functions. For those who are using templates in environments other than J2EE, there is a Minimal WebMacro that eliminates all of the J2EE baggage from the jar file.
