Web Macro Wiki

last modified: November 29, 2007

WebMacro's Wiki project is being developed by EricRidge and LaneSharman.

WebMacroWiki is a Java Servlet based WikiClone using the popular WebMacro templating engine. It includes features such as moderation and previous version viewing.

See http://www.webmacro.org/WebMacroWiki for more details on the wiki engine and http://www.webmacro.org for details on WebMacro. The previous link is actually hosted by the WebMacroWiki itself, so you can see how it works for yourself.

The WebMacroWiki project can now be downloaded from http://wiki.webmacro.org BrokenLink.

The backing store for the Wiki implementation is VeryLargeHashtable by Open Doors Software. It can be downloaded at http://www.webmacro.org/VeryLargeHashtable.

