Ricardo Clements

last modified: March 11, 2004

I make a living by providing a number of different services to organizations interested in utilizing OO.

Work Buzzwords include: Smalltalk, Java, CORBA, Distributed Computing, patterns, etc, yeah and now some Microsoft .NET stuff...

My non work interests: (no order implied)

Flying, Tax Law, Aerial Photography (as well as land based), Squash (not the food)

I can be contacted via Email at mailto:ricardo.clements@conceptrendering.com[1]

Other interests WoodWorking

I had put together a primitive Java WikiWikiClone called Jwiki (JavaWiki). It makes use of servlets and MS Access. The fundamental framework is complete and I am now just working on the more pretty aspects of text formating .... its old and incomplete...If you are interested in the source, just let me know.

