This is a WikiClone written in C# (CsharpLanguage) for MicrosoftDotNet. This project started in August 2002. It was initially based on WikiDotNet. Download available. It works with a SQLServer/MSDE database or can use flat XML files for page storage. Source code is available under BSD licence.
- Windows authentication and change history. Every change is tracked to who made it in a reliable manner. Suitable for corporate environments using Windows.
- Easy to install on Windows. Some wikis are hard to get going on windows because they are unix ports and have installers, require tweaking of shell scripts, cygwin stuff. Just install SushiWiki and run the config program.
The project is dead since 2004.
Eric Groise - Europe>France>Paris (
OCTO Technology Vice Chef Technical Officer (
Microsoft Regional Director (
- Running SushiWiki Web site: (dead link)
- SourceForge project:
- RSS Feeds are available on SourceForge to track new features
- GotDotNet workspace: or in long form (See DontPutGuidsInUrls)
CategoryDotNet CategoryWikiImplementation